Here, have a nice little background thing

I wrote this as I was going to reply to Jan Erik in the post ‘Syncing best practice’.

Unfortunately, its in the Patreon thread, and due to circumstances beyond my
control I cant support, despite wanting to. Please note this is not a ‘whine’ about
Patreon, simply a statement of my current circumstances.

Nuff said. Enjoy.


em = (chord :e, :minor)
c = (chord :c, :major)
d = (chord :d, :minor)

notes=(knit em, 4,c,4,d, 4,c,4).ring
sleeps=(knit 1,4, 0.5,1,0.5,1,1,4, 0.5,1,0.5,1).ring

live_loop :blade do
  use_synth :blade
  play_pattern_timed notes, sleeps * 1.75, amp: 2

live_loop :tune do
   use_synth [:piano, :pluck].choose
  play_pattern_timed notes, sleeps * 2, amp: 2

live_loop :background do
  use_synth [:dpulse, :pulse].choose
  play_pattern_timed notes, sleeps
  use_synth :subpulse
  play_pattern_timed notes, sleeps
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