Hello from Spain.

Hello from Spain.

A few hours with the tutorial and I get this.

I guess it will be horrible but I had a lot of fun.

#use_random_seed 0.8
loop do
  with_fx :reverb do
    #use_random_seed rrand(0.1,10)
    sample :bd_mehackit, rate:rrand(1,1)
    sample :bd_haus, rate:rrand(1,1)
    sample :bd_zum, rate:rrand(1,1)
    sample :bd_sone, rate:rrand(1,1)
    sample :bass_trance_c, rate:rrand(0.5,1) #if one_in(10)
    #sleep 0.5
    sleep sample_duration :bass_trance_c

Greetings to everyone

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