Discover hidden shortcuts in Sonic Pi here

Hi All!
I have made a new resource in my repo, showing all the hidden shortcuts in Sonic Pi.

Did you know that you can build out a template for a live loop just by pressing
“ll, tab” (that is two lower case 'L’s)?
There are many more, check them out :slight_smile:

I hope that is helpful :slight_smile:
More Sonic Pi stuff coming soon to my website:


Hi! Thanks! great job!..and great for live-coding on stage…We’re looking forward to what’s next! :wink: I tried this: keyboard shorcuts but all the shortcuts didn’t seem to work correctly…maybe it was bad manipulation on my part… :roll_eyes:

Hi! Thank you for sharing that!
I actually created that exact cheat sheet a few years back!
Which of the shortcuts are not working for you, what OS are you using and what version of sonic Pi are you using?

I can look into it and if anything needs updating, we can edit the cheat sheet :wink:

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Hi! @the_virtual_machine :grinning: I am using a PC and a Mac so I have to notice exactly works or not depending on the computer…I’ll feedback here anyway… :smile:

These are great - thank you. Where/how did you find the hidden shortcuts? Am wondering if it would be good to learn some basic Ruby?

Hi @rebelcello ! :slight_smile:
I had heard through word of mouth that ll+tab was an undocumented shortcut for creating a live loop… I tried it and it worked!
So then I went through the codebase and found where that was configured:
You can see the source in the sonic pi repo at sonic-pi/etc/snippets at dev · sonic-pi-net/sonic-pi · GitHub

I don’t think these shortcurts specifically will help with learning Ruby since its more of a config file in the Sonic Pi software rather than a “Ruby” thing but I will say that learning Ruby absolutely helps with Sonic Pi!

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So apparently my post is getting flagged as spam?
@samaaron is this intended behavior?
I checked the community guidelines and I could not identify how this is spam

And my other post on a script I wrote to hear all the samples play.

Hi and thanks @the_virtual_machine - the repo is beyond me but definitely now thinking some basic Ruby would be helpful - people here seem to know lots of interesting ways with rhythm and arrays, still working it out.

I found your info links inspiring, esp live coders out there.

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