Hi, since a few months I did a couple of tests ceating Sonic Pi applications such as a Live Looper and a grid based sample player. Thereby I experimented with TouchOSC and Open Stage Control. The idea is to somehow combine live coding and the use of selected applications (preferrably self programmed); on the one hand I very much like to create music from the scratch and improvise, on the other I also like to live record or use some preconfigured material to get things going or to add complexity.
As much as I like the mentioned software tools to create custom Midi/OSC controllers I tend to somehow opaque but very versatile hardware interfaces like the Monome grid.
You can find a variety of applications for the monome, much of it done with Max/MSP. I do consider my aforementioned experiments as preparation to start and transfer some of these ideas to Sonic Pi. One of the widely know monome applications is mlr, a sample cutting platform. I felt kind of inspired to combine my Live Looper with at least some of the functionality, which I can see mlr has or suspect it to have (I never had a chance to use it but saw quite a few videos; I still do not have a clear idea of what it does or can do if it comes to ‘recording’).
Furthermore there are also divices such as Norns (also a monome product combining Supercollider and LUA into a multifunctional music device) as well as the Organelle by Critter & Guitari going into a somehow similar direction. My idea was that all this should be possible also with Sonic Pi (and like the aforementioned platforms also on the base of Supercollider).
So this is the background of mlq (working title echoing the ‘naming convention’ for monome hard- and software); you can find the code and some quick and dirty documentation on Github. All of it is early Beta: the documentation is rudimentary only meant to give enough information to state my case. The interface is not more than a draft but sufficient to control the application. Remember, my plan is to use some sort of grid controller.
The problem with all this is, that I quite early ran into some serious performance issues. I did a quick demo:
It shows on the one hand some of the features of mlq and on the other hand the limitations of the current implementation: You will hear some time issues finally resulting in Sonic Pi refusing to go on. This can surely have the reason in my poor coding.
On the other hand, if this is not or only to a smaller part due to my code, I don’t see a chance to go on with that and I will abondon my plan to create applications like that with Sonic Pi.
So I am very much interested in your opinion on this issue.