Congratulations Mr. Raspberry!

You have finally f**ked up Buster to the
point that the repository SPi will not boot !
Even while it remains on the ’ prefered software ’
menu !

Sonic Pi Boot Error Report

System Information

  • Sonic Pi version: 3.1.0
  • OS: Raspbian GNU/Linux 10 (buster)
    GUI Log


[GUI] - Detecting port numbers...
[GUI] - GUI OSC listen port 4558
[GUI] -    port: 4558 [OK]
[GUI] - Server OSC listen port 4557
[GUI] -    port: 4557 [OK]
[GUI] - Server incoming OSC cues port 4559
[GUI] -    port: 4559 [OK]
[GUI] - Scsynth port 4556
[GUI] -    port: 4556 [OK]
[GUI] - Server OSC out port 4558
[GUI] - GUI OSC out port 4557
[GUI] - Scsynth send port 4556
[GUI] - Erlang router port 4560
[GUI] -    port: 4560 [OK]
[GUI] - OSC MIDI out port 4561
[GUI] -    port: 4561 [OK]
[GUI] - OSC MIDI in port 4562
[GUI] -    port: 4562 [OK]
[GUI] - Init script completed
[GUI] - using default editor colours
[GUI] - launching Sonic Pi Server:
[GUI] - starting UDP OSC Server on port 4558...
[GUI] - UDP OSC Server ready and listening
[GUI] - Ruby server pid registered: 1692
[GUI] - waiting for Sonic Pi Server to boot...
[GUI] - Critical error! Could not boot Sonic Pi Server.
[GUI] - stopping UDP OSC Server...
[GUI] - UDP OSC Server no longer listening

Server Errors


Failed to load the fast_osc c-extension, falling back to pure Ruby version
Overriding fast_osc c-extension FastOsc::decode_single_message, falling back to pure Ruby version
ruby: No such file or directory -- /usr/app/server/ruby/bin/task-register.rb (LoadError)
ruby: No such file or directory -- /usr/app/server/ruby/bin/task-register.rb (LoadError)
Cannot open SuperCollider client
Cannot read socket fd = 6 err = Success
CheckRes error
JackSocketClientChannel read fail
JackShmReadWritePtr1::~JackShmReadWritePtr1 - Init not done for -1, skipping unlock
JackShmReadWritePtr::~JackShmReadWritePtr - Init not done for -1, skipping unlock
JackShmReadWritePtr::~JackShmReadWritePtr - Init not done for -1, skipping unlock
terminate called without an active exception
JackPosixProcessSync::LockedTimedWait error usec = 5000000 err = Connection timed out
Driver is not running
Cannot create new client

Server Output


Sonic Pi server booting...
Using protocol: udp
Detecting port numbers...
Send port: 4558
Listen port: 4557
  - OK
Scsynth port: 4556
  - OK
Scsynth send port: 4556
  - OK
OSC cues port: 4559
  - OK
Erlang port: 4560
  - OK
OSC MIDI out port: 4561
  - OK
OSC MIDI in port: 4562
  - OK
Booting server...
Booting Sonic Pi
Booting on Raspberry Pi
Jackd already running. Not starting another server...
Boot - Starting the SuperCollider server...
Boot - scsynth -u 4556 -m 131072 -a 1024 -D 0 -R 0 -l 1 -i 2 -o 2 -z 128 -c 128 -U /usr/lib/SuperCollider/plugins:/usr/app/server/native/extra-ugens/ -b 4096 -B
Scsynth Output

Starting SuperCollider 2021-03-03 16:17:21

Found 0 LADSPA plugins
*** ERROR: open directory failed ‘/usr/app/server/native/extra-ugens/’: No such file or directory
could not initialize audio.

Process Log

The bundled 3.1 will work if you launch QJackCtl to select the sound output you want. Not ideal, but then it is an old version and was not intended for this version of the OS. 3.3.1 is adjusted to use the new sound setup, and works fine (I’m currently using 5 RPi of various types running concurrently synced together, all running 3.3.1). It is only available prebuilt as a binary deb (from and is not available in the Raspbian distro. This is because there is not at present a source format debfile for the latest version.
You can of course also build it yourself from source which is fairly easy with the new streamlined build process incorporated in the source code.

The present 3.1 version is incomplete (no support for midi or osc) and was produced independently of the SP development team. We don’t have the resources to fix it, but we do have a better working later version which is easy to install (3.3.1) You should upgrade your OS to the latest version (11th January 2021) for which it is designed to use it.

1 Like

You should upgrade your OS to the latest version
(11th January 2021) for which it is designed to use it.

No … I should simply ( one more time ) go back to Stretch .