[GUI] - Detecting port numbers...
[GUI] - GUI OSC listen port 4558
[GUI] - port: 4558 [OK]
[GUI] - Server OSC listen port 4557
[GUI] - port: 4557 [OK]
[GUI] - Server incoming OSC cues port 4559
[GUI] - port: 4559 [OK]
[GUI] - Scsynth port 4556
[GUI] - port: 4556 [OK]
[GUI] - Server OSC out port 4558
[GUI] - GUI OSC out port 4557
[GUI] - Scsynth send port 4556
[GUI] - Erlang router port 4560
[GUI] - port: 4560 [OK]
[GUI] - OSC MIDI out port 4561
[GUI] - port: 4561 [OK]
[GUI] - OSC MIDI in port 4562
[GUI] - port: 4562 [OK]
[GUI] - Init script completed
[GUI] - using default editor colours
[GUI] - launching Sonic Pi Server:
[GUI] - starting UDP OSC Server on port 4558...
[GUI] - UDP OSC Server ready and listening
[GUI] - Ruby server pid registered: 11472
[GUI] - waiting for Sonic Pi Server to boot...
[GUI] - Critical error! Could not boot Sonic Pi Server.
[GUI] - stopping UDP OSC Server...
[GUI] - UDP OSC Server no longer listening
Server Errors
Server Output
Sonic Pi server booting...
Using protocol: udp
Detecting port numbers...
Send port: 4558
Listen port: 4557
- OK
Scsynth port: 4556
- OK
Scsynth send port: 4556
- OK
OSC cues port: 4559
- OK
Erlang port: 4560
- OK
OSC MIDI out port: 4561
- OK
OSC MIDI in port: 4562
- OK
Started [15516] [-] "C:\Users\hwx\Downloads\SonicPiPortable\App\Sonic Pi\app\server\native\scsynth.exe" -u 4556 -m 131072 -a 1024 -D 0 -R 0 -l 1 -i 16 -o 16 -U "C:/Users/hwx/Downloads/SonicPiPortable/App/Sonic Pi/app/server/native/plugins/" -b 4096 -B [-] C:/Users/hwx/AppData/Local/Temp/SonicPiPortableTemp/sonic-pi-pids/15516
Scsynth Output
# Starting SuperCollider 2020-02-24 20:31:45
Device options:
- MME : Microsoft 声音映射器 - Input (device #0 with 2 ins 0 outs)
- MME : 麦克风 (Realtek Audio) (device #1 with 2 ins 0 outs)
- MME : Microsoft 声音映射器 - Output (device #2 with 0 ins 2 outs)
- MME : 扬声器/听筒 (Realtek Audio) (device #3 with 0 ins 2 outs)
- MME : 扬声器 (Waves SoundGrid) (device #4 with 0 ins 8 outs)
- Windows DirectSound : 主声音捕获驱动程序 (device #5 with 2 ins 0 outs)
- Windows DirectSound : 麦克风 (Realtek Audio) (device #6 with 2 ins 0 outs)
- Windows DirectSound : 主声音驱动程序 (device #7 with 0 ins 2 outs)
- Windows DirectSound : 扬声器/听筒 (Realtek Audio) (device #8 with 0 ins 2 outs)
- Windows DirectSound : 扬声器 (Waves SoundGrid) (device #9 with 0 ins 8 outs)
- ASIO : Realtek ASIO (device #10 with 2 ins 2 outs)
- Windows WASAPI : 扬声器/听筒 (Realtek Audio) (device #11 with 0 ins 2 outs)
- Windows WASAPI : 扬声器 (Waves SoundGrid) (device #12 with 0 ins 2 outs)
- Windows WASAPI : 麦克风 (Realtek Audio) (device #13 with 2 ins 0 outs)
- Windows WDM-KS : 扬声器 (SG Wave) (device #14 with 0 ins 8 outs)
- Windows WDM-KS : Line In /Microphone (SG Wave) (device #15 with 8 ins 0 outs)
- Windows WDM-KS : 立体声混音 (Realtek HD Audio Stereo input) (device #16 with 2 ins 0 outs)
- Windows WDM-KS : 麦克风 (Realtek HD Audio Mic input) (device #17 with 2 ins 0 outs)
- Windows WDM-KS : Speakers (Realtek HD Audio output) (device #18 with 0 ins 2 outs)
Booting with:
In: MME : 麦克风 (Realtek Audio)
Out: MME : 扬声器/听筒 (Realtek Audio)
SC_PortAudioDriver: PortAudio failed at Pa_OpenStream with error: 'Unanticipated host error'
could not initialize audio.
Thanks - all as below: If you need me to separate details for ease of reading please let me know - thanks
Sonic Pi Boot Error Report
System Information
Sonic Pi version: 3.2.0
OS: Windows 10 Version 1909
[GUI] - Welcome to the Sonic Pi GUI
[GUI] - ===========================
[GUI] -
[GUI] - {0965924b-d4aa-4ec3-96f3-fbf05b347b15}
[GUI] - Discovering port numbers...
[GUI] - Port entry server-listen-to-gui : 51235 : 51235
[GUI] - Port entry gui-send-to-server : 51235 : 51235
[GUI] - Port entry gui-listen-to-server : 51236 : 51236
[GUI] - Port entry server-send-to-gui : 51236 : 51236
[GUI] - Port entry scsynth : 51237 : 51237
[GUI] - Port entry scsynth-send : 51237 : 51237
[GUI] - Port entry osc-midi-out : 51238 : 51238
[GUI] - Port entry osc-midi-in : 51239 : 51239
[GUI] - Port entry server-osc-cues : 4560 : 4560
[GUI] - Port entry erlang-router : 51240 : 51240
[GUI] - Port entry websocket : 51241 : 51241
[GUI] - Detecting port numbers...
[GUI] - GUI listen to server port 51236
[GUI] - port: 51236 [OK]
[GUI] - Server listen to gui port 51235
[GUI] - port: 51235 [OK]
[GUI] - Server incoming OSC cues port 4560
[GUI] - port: 4560 [OK]
[GUI] - Scsynth port 51237
[GUI] - port: 51237 [OK]
[GUI] - Server send to GUI port 51236
[GUI] - port: 51236 [OK]
[GUI] - GUI send to server port 51235
[GUI] - port: 51235 [OK]
[GUI] - Scsynth send port 51237
[GUI] - port: 51237 [OK]
[GUI] - Erlang router port 51240
[GUI] - port: 51240 [OK]
[GUI] - OSC MIDI out port 51238
[GUI] - port: 51238 [OK]
[GUI] - OSC MIDI in port 51239
[GUI] - port: 51239 [OK]
[GUI] - Websocket port 51241
[GUI] - port: 51241 [OK]
[GUI] - All ports OK
[GUI] - launching Sonic Pi Runtime Server:
[GUI] - Ruby server pid registered: 157300
[GUI] - hiding main window
[GUI] - initialising toolbar icons
[GUI] - setting up window structure
[GUI] - restoring scope states
[GUI] - creating status bar
[GUI] - creating info panel
[GUI] - creating shortcuts
[GUI] - creating tool bar
[GUI] - initialising documentation window
[GUI] - wait for sync
[GUI] - waiting for Sonic Pi Server to boot...
[GUI] - starting UDP OSC Server on port 51236...
[GUI] - UDP OSC Server ready and listening
[GUI] - Critical error! Could not boot Sonic Pi Server.
[GUI] - stopping UDP OSC Server...
[GUI] - Critical Error. Unable to connect to server..
[GUI] - UDP OSC Server no longer listening
Server Errors
Failed to load the fast_osc c-extension, falling back to pure Ruby version
Overriding fast_osc c-extension FastOsc::decode_single_message, falling back to pure Ruby version
C:/Program Files/Sonic Pi/app/server/ruby/vendor/sys-proctable-1.1.3/lib/windows/sys/proctable.rb:97: warning: constant ::Fixnum is deprecated
Server Output
Sonic Pi server booting...
This is version 3.2.0 running on Ruby 2.7.0.
The time is 2020-03-03 07:29:26 +0000
Using primary protocol: udp
Detecting port numbers...
Listen port: 51235
- OK
Scsynth port: 51237
- OK
Scsynth send port: 51237
- OK
OSC cues port: 4560
- OK
Erlang port: 51240
- OK
OSC MIDI out port: 51238
- OK
OSC MIDI in port: 51239
- OK
Websocket port: 51241
- OK
Opening UDP Server to listen to GUI on port: 51235
Scsynth Output
# Starting SuperCollider 2020-03-03 07:29:27
Device options:
- MME : Microsoft Sound Mapper - Input (device #0 with 2 ins 0 outs)
- MME : Line (Komplete Audio 2) (device #1 with 2 ins 0 outs)
- MME : Microphone (Realtek High Defini (device #2 with 2 ins 0 outs)
- MME : Microsoft Sound Mapper - Output (device #3 with 0 ins 2 outs)
- MME : Speakers (Komplete Audio 2) (device #4 with 0 ins 2 outs)
- MME : Speakers (Realtek High Definiti (device #5 with 0 ins 2 outs)
- Windows DirectSound : Primary Sound Capture Driver (device #6 with 2 ins 0 outs)
- Windows DirectSound : Line (Komplete Audio 2) (device #7 with 2 ins 0 outs)
- Windows DirectSound : Microphone (Realtek High Definition Audio) (device #8 with 2 ins 0 outs)
- Windows DirectSound : Primary Sound Driver (device #9 with 0 ins 2 outs)
- Windows DirectSound : Speakers (Komplete Audio 2) (device #10 with 0 ins 2 outs)
- Windows DirectSound : Speakers (Realtek High Definition Audio) (device #11 with 0 ins 2 outs)
- ASIO : Generic Low Latency ASIO Driver (device #12 with 2 ins 2 outs)
- ASIO : Komplete Audio ASIO Driver (device #13 with 2 ins 2 outs)
- ASIO : MPC Renaissance ASIO Driver (device #14 with 2 ins 2 outs)
- Windows WASAPI : Speakers (Komplete Audio 2) (device #15 with 0 ins 2 outs)
- Windows WASAPI : Speakers (Realtek High Definition Audio) (device #16 with 0 ins 2 outs)
- Windows WASAPI : Line (Komplete Audio 2) (device #17 with 2 ins 0 outs)
- Windows WASAPI : Microphone (Realtek High Definition Audio) (device #18 with 2 ins 0 outs)
- Windows WDM-KS : Speakers (Komplete Audio 2) (device #19 with 0 ins 2 outs)
- Windows WDM-KS : Line (Komplete Audio 2) (device #20 with 2 ins 0 outs)
- Windows WDM-KS : Microphone (Realtek HD Audio Mic input) (device #21 with 2 ins 0 outs)
- Windows WDM-KS : Stereo Mix (Realtek HD Audio Stereo input) (device #22 with 2 ins 0 outs)
- Windows WDM-KS : Speakers (Realtek HD Audio output) (device #23 with 0 ins 2 outs)
Requested devices:
In (matching device NOT found):
- (null)
Out (matching device NOT found):
- (null)
Selecting default system input/output devices
Booting with:
In: MME : Line (Komplete Audio 2)
Out: MME : Speakers (Komplete Audio 2)
SC_PortAudioDriver: PortAudio failed at Pa_OpenStream with error: 'Unanticipated host error'
could not initialize audio.
Hi, your issue is with SuperCollider, the underlying sound synthesis engine.
For some reason it is not able to find your default system sound card.
Could you try setting your sound card to something different in the Windows preferences and try booting again?
I’ve seen this error once before with a system that didn’t have headphones plugged in. Beats me why that stopped the sound driver from being recognised, but plugging headphones in apparently fixed things in that specific case.
Hi Sam, I may not have done this exactly as needed, however:
I normally use Komplete Audio AISO driver, DAW connected via USB
Changed to Realtek HD which is the default in the laptop = same issue
Unplugged DAW altogether and also tried with headphones connected = same issue
It may be that I have not done exactly what was needed so if that is the case, please do say!
Sorry, there’s not much more I can say. I would check your scsynth.log every time you try a new audio setting.
Another thing you can try is to download the vanilla supercollider app and see if you can boot a server from their IDE. If you can’t then it’s definitely an issue with supercollider and your system. If you can, then that’s likely to be something we can fix in Sonic Pi.
Hi, if you have the energy, I think it would be useful to discuss these issues directly with the supercollider people. If they can fix things then Sonic Pi will automatically inherit those fixes too…
Hi Sam, I went onto the Supercollider forums and they gave me some tips - by adding in some specific settings for the sound drivers in the startup file I was able to create a server. However, even with that running I could not get Sonic Pi to load.
I’ve added the log from supcollider and the latest from Sonic Pi in case that can help shed any further light on it
compiling class library…
Found 833 primitives.
Compiling directory ‘C:\Program Files\SuperCollider-3.10.4\SCClassLibrary’
Compiling directory ‘C:\ProgramData\SuperCollider\Extensions’
Compiling directory ‘C:\Users\simon\AppData\Local\SuperCollider\Extensions’
numentries = 813877 / 11974982 = 0.068
5399 method selectors, 2218 classes
method table size 13098592 bytes, big table size 95799856
Number of Symbols 12054
Byte Code Size 362031
compiled 318 files in 2.22 seconds
Info: 2 methods are currently overwritten by extensions. To see which, execute:
compile done
localhost : setting clientID to 0.
internal : setting clientID to 0.
Class tree inited in 0.15 seconds
*** Welcome to SuperCollider 3.10.4. *** For help press Ctrl-D.
SCDoc: Indexing help-files…
SCDoc: Indexed 1342 documents in 3.76 seconds
Booting server ‘localhost’ on address
Device options:
MME : Microsoft Sound Mapper - Input (device #0 with 2 ins 0 outs)
MME : Line (Komplete Audio 2) (device #1 with 2 ins 0 outs)
MME : Microphone (Realtek High Defini (device #2 with 2 ins 0 outs)
MME : Microsoft Sound Mapper - Output (device #3 with 0 ins 2 outs)
MME : Speakers (Komplete Audio 2) (device #4 with 0 ins 2 outs)
MME : Speakers (Realtek High Definiti (device #5 with 0 ins 2 outs)
Windows DirectSound : Primary Sound Capture Driver (device #6 with 2 ins 0 outs)
Windows DirectSound : Line (Komplete Audio 2) (device #7 with 2 ins 0 outs)
Windows DirectSound : Microphone (Realtek High Definition Audio) (device #8 with 2 ins 0 outs)
Windows DirectSound : Primary Sound Driver (device #9 with 0 ins 2 outs)
Windows DirectSound : Speakers (Komplete Audio 2) (device #10 with 0 ins 2 outs)
Windows DirectSound : Speakers (Realtek High Definition Audio) (device #11 with 0 ins 2 outs)
ASIO : Generic Low Latency ASIO Driver (device #12 with 2 ins 2 outs)
ASIO : Komplete Audio ASIO Driver (device #13 with 2 ins 2 outs)
ASIO : MPC Renaissance ASIO Driver (device #14 with 2 ins 2 outs)
Windows WASAPI : Speakers (Komplete Audio 2) (device #15 with 0 ins 2 outs)
Windows WASAPI : Speakers (Realtek High Definition Audio) (device #16 with 0 ins 2 outs)
Windows WASAPI : Line (Komplete Audio 2) (device #17 with 2 ins 0 outs)
Windows WASAPI : Microphone (Realtek High Definition Audio) (device #18 with 2 ins 0 outs)
Windows WDM-KS : Speakers (Komplete Audio 2) (device #19 with 0 ins 2 outs)
Windows WDM-KS : Line (Komplete Audio 2) (device #20 with 2 ins 0 outs)
Windows WDM-KS : Microphone (Realtek HD Audio Mic input) (device #21 with 2 ins 0 outs)
Windows WDM-KS : Stereo Mix (Realtek HD Audio Stereo input) (device #22 with 2 ins 0 outs)
Windows WDM-KS : Speakers (Realtek HD Audio output) (device #23 with 0 ins 2 outs)
Requested devices:
In (matching device found):
ASIO : Komplete Audio ASIO Driver
Out (matching device found):
ASIO : Komplete Audio ASIO Driver
Booting with:
In: ASIO : Komplete Audio ASIO Driver
Out: ASIO : Komplete Audio ASIO Driver
Sample rate: 44100.000
Latency (in/out): 0.028 / 0.024 sec
SC_AudioDriver: sample rate = 44100.000000, driver’s block size = 64
SuperCollider 3 server ready.
Requested notification messages from server ‘localhost’
localhost: server process’s maxLogins (1) matches with my options.
localhost: keeping clientID (0) as confirmed by server process.
Shared memory server interface initialized
[GUI] - Welcome to the Sonic Pi GUI
[GUI] - ===========================
[GUI] -
[GUI] - {9d643d30-dc97-440b-97df-129628e4cbea}
[GUI] - Discovering port numbers...
[GUI] - Port entry server-listen-to-gui : 51235 : 51235
[GUI] - Port entry gui-send-to-server : 51235 : 51235
[GUI] - Port entry gui-listen-to-server : 51236 : 51236
[GUI] - Port entry server-send-to-gui : 51236 : 51236
[GUI] - Port entry scsynth : 51237 : 51237
[GUI] - Port entry scsynth-send : 51237 : 51237
[GUI] - Port entry osc-midi-out : 51238 : 51238
[GUI] - Port entry osc-midi-in : 51239 : 51239
[GUI] - Port entry server-osc-cues : 4560 : 4560
[GUI] - Port entry erlang-router : 51240 : 51240
[GUI] - Port entry websocket : 51241 : 51241
[GUI] - Detecting port numbers...
[GUI] - GUI listen to server port 51236
[GUI] - port: 51236 [OK]
[GUI] - Server listen to gui port 51235
[GUI] - port: 51235 [OK]
[GUI] - Server incoming OSC cues port 4560
[GUI] - port: 4560 [OK]
[GUI] - Scsynth port 51237
[GUI] - port: 51237 [OK]
[GUI] - Server send to GUI port 51236
[GUI] - port: 51236 [OK]
[GUI] - GUI send to server port 51235
[GUI] - port: 51235 [OK]
[GUI] - Scsynth send port 51237
[GUI] - port: 51237 [OK]
[GUI] - Erlang router port 51240
[GUI] - port: 51240 [OK]
[GUI] - OSC MIDI out port 51238
[GUI] - port: 51238 [OK]
[GUI] - OSC MIDI in port 51239
[GUI] - port: 51239 [OK]
[GUI] - Websocket port 51241
[GUI] - port: 51241 [OK]
[GUI] - All ports OK
[GUI] - launching Sonic Pi Runtime Server:
[GUI] - Ruby server pid registered: 136776
[GUI] - hiding main window
[GUI] - initialising toolbar icons[[GUI] - setting up window structure[GUI] - restoring scope states
[[GUI] - creating status bar
[GUI] - creating info panel
[GUI] - creating shortcuts
[GUI] - creating tool bar
[GUI] - initialising documentation window
[GUI] - wait for sync
[GUI] - waiting for Sonic Pi Server to boot...
[GUI] - starting UDP OSC Server on port 51236...
[GUI] - unable to listen to UDP OSC messages on port 51236
[GUI] - stopping UDP OSC Server...
Server Errors
Failed to load the fast_osc c-extension, falling back to pure Ruby version
Overriding fast_osc c-extension FastOsc::decode_single_message, falling back to pure Ruby version
Server Output
Scsynth Output
Process Log
No pids store found here: C:/Users/simon/AppData/Local/Temp/sonic-pi-pids
No pids store found here: C:/Users/simon/AppData/Local/Temp/sonic-pi-pids
Creating pids store: C:/Users/simon/AppData/Local/Temp/sonic-pi-pids
Started [21608] [-] "C:\Program Files\Sonic Pi\app\gui\qt\build\Release\..\..\..\..\..\app\server\native\ruby\bin\ruby.exe" --enable-frozen-string-literal -E utf-8 "C:\Program Files\Sonic Pi\app\gui\qt\build\Release\..\..\..\..\..\app\server\ruby\bin\sonic-pi-server.rb" -u 51235 51236 51237 51237 4560 51240 51238 51239 51241 [-] C:/Users/simon/AppData/Local/Temp/sonic-pi-pids/21608
Started [136776] [-] "C:\Program Files\Sonic Pi\app\gui\qt\build\Release\..\..\..\..\..\app\server\native\ruby\bin\ruby.exe" --enable-frozen-string-literal -E utf-8 "C:\Program Files\Sonic Pi\app\gui\qt\build\Release\..\..\..\..\..\app\server\ruby\bin\sonic-pi-server.rb" -u 51235 51236 51237 51237 4560 51240 51238 51239 51241 [-] C:/Users/simon/AppData/Local/Temp/sonic-pi-pids/136776
Hello all,
I spotted Sonic Pi today and thought I’d try it. Windows 10, 1909, but neither MSI nor Portable install works. Boot fails. Have seen at least 5 different Issues in the repo, with some going back to March 2020.
Am I out on a limb here, with some unique black magic that is hampering my Windows install, or is there a more sinister House Elf affecting all Windows 10 installs of 3.2.2?
Happy to contribute boot logs and conversation on an appropriate boot problem Issue in the git repo - please tell me which one!
Just want to leave this here if someone runs into this again. I had this same problem and after looking at the Windows device manager I noticed I had “AMD High Definition Audio Device” that didn’t install correctly? I’m not exactly sure what happened to but I’ve had audio issues for a couple of weeks after a driver update for that device but going back to the previous version didn’t fix it so I gave up. Today I started troubleshooting Sonic Pi and I tried disabling the device but that didn’t fix it so I just uninstalled all the audio devices and drivers and let Windows reinstall them. Sonic Pi works now.
TL;DR Faulty audio driver, uninstalled all audio devices and drivers using the device manager then let windows update reinstall them.