Chopping a sample randomly via midi keyboard

Hi there,
i had the idea to record samples, like just playing the cminor, and let onset decide which note should be played. implemented some reoccuring randomness to get a melody and now when i press c on my keyboard i get 1 of the semi random picked notes from cminor, did the same with bbminor. gonna expand on that since i think thats pretty cool. ill arrange chords and drums like that too i guess.

My only issue is the randomness, i hope there is a better way to do it, cause i want the random note to jump when i pressed once the key. hope u get what i mean :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

sorry i used samples from my own. ur free to replace them.

live_loop :seeeeds do
  use_random_seed 892
  6.times do
    set :randseeed, (ring 541654,64654164,1235216,51531641,6411163,1646532132,1056847645).choose
    puts :randseeed
    sleep 0.125
    cue :simp

samps1 = "C:/Users/Gott/Desktop/scales"

live_loop :midi_sfx, sync: :simp do
  note = sync "/midi:piaggero_0:1/note_on"
  use_random_seed get(:randseeed)
  if note[0] == 40 then
    1.times do
      sample samps1, "cmin", onset: choose
      sleep 0.125
  if note[0] == 41 then
    1.times do
      sample samps1, "bbmin", onset: choose
      sleep 0.125

i managed to solve the problem even better than i thought haha here my approach.
any way to improve on that hhaha?

use_random_seed 500456

set :current_state, 0

NOTES = [50, 7896, 45612, 84563, 1237]

  0 => [1,2],
  1 => [3,4],
  2 => [1,3,4],
  3 => [4,0],
  4 => [0,1,2]

samps1 = "C:/Users/Gott/Desktop/scales"

live_loop :midi_sfx do
  note = sync "/midi:piaggero_0:1/note_on"
  s = get[:current_state]
  use_random_seed NOTES[s]
  if note[0] == 40 then
    1.times do
      sample samps1, "cmin", onset: choose
      sleep 0.125
      set :current_state, RULES[s].choose

well i settled for this, its good enough but not exactly what i wanted

samps1 = "C:/Users/Gott/Desktop/scales"

live_loop :midi_sfx do
  note = sync "/midi:piaggero_0:1/note_on"
  use_random_seed (ring 65465,465467,6567,67676,76576,765431,5465,7687,67).tick(:gf)
  if note[0] == 60 then
    sample samps1, "cmin", onset: choose
    sleep 0.125

What is it supposed to do that is exactly what you wanted?

And what is with the collection of random seeds? If you want reproducible results, use a single random seed. If you want a “random” seed, just put in use_random_seed ( or something similar.