Before I program my own Glissando, does anyone have a ready made example they have lying around that I could repurpose?
I would be forever in your debt! I’m trying to cover a super complex song, and out of all the problems so far, I figured this would be the one someone has experience with.
I have an idea in my head about how I want to do it, but I want to see what others have, and see if it lines up with how I perceive it happening.
Edit: I have the intro to the song done already, and it is pretty recognizable if you watch anime, so I’m not gonna spoil the surprise. I’ll post a snippet of what I have on soundcloud when I get home and post it here. <3
1.) Originally, I was going to loop over it like I have been with all my other songs. I’m not super musically literate, and am translating Midi’s to Sonic Pi, so I haven’t been using chord shorthands, etc. If the chord is a C chord, i’m still making the array with the notes in it and parsing it. V1 of it was to put all the keys I want to run in a huge array and just run through it. But I know sonic pi isn’t the biggest fan of looping through arrays super fast, so without testing, I came up with a second idea.
2.) Instead of programming all the notes in, just use the scales shorthands that are predefined, and just drop them them through the octaves I want to run though.
Which one of these approaches do you guys think would work “best” performance wise.
I feel like #1 gives me more flexibility with notes should I want it, but #2 gives me the ease of use option, which, when working on complex song, would be a blessing cause it’s one less problem I have to focus on.
The Glissando was going to be all improv anyway, so I can just play with the scales instead of just putting in random notes til I’m happy.
Here is the start of the Dr Who theme (which has perhaps one of the most famous glissandos)
EDITED to run continously
#sample glissando start of Dr Who theme
use_bpm 60
#define glissando function
#p1=first note p2 = target note, d1 duration first note
#d2 duration second note, slideFrac fraction of d2 to slide.
#relFrac sets release/sustain fractions
define :plgliss do |p1,p2,d1,d2,slideFrac=0.4,relFrac=0.1|
k=play p1,sustain: d1+d2*(1-relFrac),release: d2*relFrac
sleep d1
control k,note: p2,note_slide: d2*slideFrac
sleep d2
with_fx :reverb,room: 0.8 do
with_synth :zawa do
live_loop :gl do
play :b5,sustain: 3,release: 3*0.1
sleep 3
Thanks Robin! Forgot about the Doctor Who theme. I love that, and I found a really easy midi for the intro.
Looks like I’m adding that to my covers I’m working on.
Also, update on my WIP:
So, if you couldn’t guess, the song I posted was my start of the cover of Cruel Angel’s Thesis, the opening to one of my favorite animes, Evangelion, and my most requested cover.
It is…difficult to say the least. A lot of variation, a lot of accounting for weird pauses with the vocals, and I haven’t even gotten to the solo yet, and to make it all swing on top of that?
This is why I needed the Glissando. To connect the intro part to the chorus.