3.1.0 not starting on Mac OS 10.11

I have no idea where to start… MacBook Pro, OS 10.11. No Bluetooth devices.

The message says “Critical error! Could not boot Sonic Pi Server.” however the error report only says “/Applications/Sonic Pi.app/app/server/ruby/vendor/sys-proctable-1.1.3/lib/darwin/sys/proctable.rb:163: warning: constant ::Fixnum is deprecated”

Complete log here:

Sonic Pi Boot Error Report

System Information

  • Sonic Pi version: 3.1.0
  • OS: OS X El Capitan (10.11)



[GUI] - Detecting port numbers...
[GUI] - GUI OSC listen port 4558
[GUI] -    port: 4558 [OK]
[GUI] - Server OSC listen port 4557
[GUI] -    port: 4557 [OK]
[GUI] - Server incoming OSC cues port 4559
[GUI] -    port: 4559 [OK]
[GUI] - Scsynth port 4556
[GUI] -    port: 4556 [OK]
[GUI] - Server OSC out port 4558
[GUI] - GUI OSC out port 4557
[GUI] - Scsynth send port 4556
[GUI] - Erlang router port 4560
[GUI] -    port: 4560 [OK]
[GUI] - OSC MIDI out port 4561
[GUI] -    port: 4561 [OK]
[GUI] - OSC MIDI in port 4562
[GUI] -    port: 4562 [OK]
[GUI] - Init script completed
[GUI] - using default editor colours
[GUI] - launching Sonic Pi Server:
[GUI] - starting UDP OSC Server on port 4558...
[GUI] - UDP OSC Server ready and listening
[GUI] - Ruby server pid registered: 1550
[GUI] - waiting for Sonic Pi Server to boot...
[GUI] - Critical error! Could not boot Sonic Pi Server.
[GUI] - stopping UDP OSC Server...

Server Errors


/Applications/Sonic Pi.app/app/server/ruby/vendor/sys-proctable-1.1.3/lib/darwin/sys/proctable.rb:163: warning: constant ::Fixnum is deprecated

Server Output


Sonic Pi server booting...
Using protocol: udp
Detecting port numbers...
Send port: 4558
Listen port: 4557
  - OK
Scsynth port: 4556
  - OK
Scsynth send port: 4556
  - OK
OSC cues port: 4559
  - OK
Erlang port: 4560
  - OK
OSC MIDI out port: 4561
  - OK
OSC MIDI in port: 4562
  - OK
Booting server...
Booting Sonic Pi
Boot - Booting on OS X
Boot - Checkout audio rates on OSX:
Boot - Input audio rate: 44100.0
Boot - Output audio rate: 44100.0
Boot - Sample rates match, we may continue to boot...
Boot - Starting the SuperCollider server...
Boot - /Applications/Sonic Pi.app/app/server/native/scsynth -u 4556 -a 1024 -m 131072 -D 0 -R 0 -l 1 -i 16 -o 16 -U /Applications/Sonic Pi.app/app/server/native/supercollider/plugins/ -b 4096 -B

Scsynth Output


# Starting SuperCollider 2019-02-27 23:30:35
Found 0 LADSPA plugins

Process Log


Clearing pids: []
No pids to clear :-)
Started [1550] [-] /Applications/Sonic Pi.app/Contents/MacOS/../../app/server/native/ruby/bin/ruby --enable-frozen-string-literal -E utf-8 /Applications/Sonic Pi.app/Contents/MacOS/../../app/server/ruby/bin/sonic-pi-server.rb -u 4557 4558 4556 4556 4559 4560 4561 4562 [-] /var/folders/8f/ggjgv_g91_d77k_f97g3stwr0000gq/T/sonic-pi-pids/1550


Interestingly it looks like the underlying synthesis engine, SuperCollider, isn’t starting correctly. Does your scsynth.log only contain these two lines? Could you recheck?

What happens if you open up a terminal and type in the following:

/Applications/Sonic\ Pi.app/app/server/native/scsynth -u 4556 -a 1024 -m 131072 -D 0 -R 0 -l 1 -i 16 -o 16 -U /Applications/Sonic\ Pi.app/app/server/native/supercollider/plugins/ -b 4096 -B
1 Like

Hi Sam, thanks for getting back to me so fast.

MacBook-Pro:log edward$ cat scsynth.log

Starting SuperCollider 2019-02-28 19:57:25

Found 0 LADSPA plugins

MacBook-Pro:log edward$


MacBook-Pro:native edward$ ./scsynth -u 4556 -a 1024 -m 131072 -D 0 -R 0 -l 1 -i 16 -o 16 -U /Applications/Sonic\ Pi.app/app/server/native/supercollider/plugins/ -b 4096 -B

Found 0 LADSPA plugins

Illegal instruction: 4


Hmm, that looks really rather odd. It seems that SuperCollider is struggling to start on your machine.

Could you try just running:

/Applications/Sonic\ Pi.app/app/server/native/scsynth -u 4556

Does that produce the same error?

Yes, same error:

MacBook-Pro:native edward$ ./scsynth -u 4556

Found 0 LADSPA plugins

Illegal instruction: 4

MacBook-Pro:native edward$

I’ve just uninstalled v3.1.0 and installed v2.11.0. It still doesn’t work but the error is different, and it seems supercollider is now starting…

Here is [most of] the report:

Sonic Pi Boot Error Report

System Information

  • Sonic Pi version: 2.11.0-dev
  • OS: OS X El Capitan (10.11)
    GUI Log


[GUI] - Detecting port numbers...
[GUI] - GUI OSC listen port 4558
[GUI] - GUI OSC out port 4557
[GUI] - Server OSC listen port 4557
[GUI] - Server OSC out port 4558
[GUI] - Server incoming OSC cues port 4559
[GUI] - Scsynth port 4556
[GUI] - Scsynth send port 4556
[GUI] - Init script completed
[GUI] - using default editor colours
[GUI] - launching Sonic Pi Server:
[GUI] - starting UDP OSC Server on port 4558...
[GUI] - UDP OSC Server ready and listening
[GUI] - Ruby server pid registered: 705
[GUI] - waiting for Sonic Pi Server to boot...
[GUI] - Critical error! Could not boot Sonic Pi Server.
[GUI] - stopping UDP OSC Server...
[GUI] - UDP OSC Server no longer listening

Server Errors


/Applications/Sonic Pi.app/app/server/sonicpi/lib/sonicpi/osc/udp_server.rb:44: [BUG] Illegal instruction at 0x0000010aa66b77
ruby 2.3.1p112 (2016-04-26 revision 54768) [x86_64-darwin11.0]

-- Crash Report log information --------------------------------------------
   See Crash Report log file under the one of following:
     * ~/Library/Logs/CrashReporter
     * /Library/Logs/CrashReporter
     * ~/Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports
     * /Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports
   for more details.
Don't forget to include the above Crash Report log file in bug reports.

-- Control frame information -----------------------------------------------
c:0013 p:---- s:0107 e:000106 CFUNC  :encode_single_bundle
c:0012 p:0016 s:0101 e:000100 METHOD /Applications/Sonic Pi.app/app/server/sonicpi/lib/sonicpi/osc/udp_server.rb:44
c:0011 p:0166 s:0092 e:000091 METHOD /Applications/Sonic Pi.app/app/server/sonicpi/lib/sonicpi/scsynthexternal.rb:58
c:0010 p:0016 s:0081 e:000080 METHOD /Applications/Sonic Pi.app/app/server/sonicpi/lib/sonicpi/server.rb:465
c:0009 p:0322 s:0076 E:000530 METHOD /Applications/Sonic Pi.app/app/server/sonicpi/lib/sonicpi/server.rb:258
c:0008 p:0030 s:0059 e:000058 METHOD /Applications/Sonic Pi.app/app/server/sonicpi/lib/sonicpi/studio.rb:390
c:0007 p:0022 s:0055 e:000054 METHOD /Applications/Sonic Pi.app/app/server/sonicpi/lib/sonicpi/studio.rb:376
c:0006 p:0131 s:0052 e:000051 METHOD /Applications/Sonic Pi.app/app/server/sonicpi/lib/sonicpi/studio.rb:45 [FINISH]
c:0005 p:---- s:0045 e:000044 CFUNC  :new
c:0004 p:0312 s:0038 e:000037 LAMBDA /Applications/Sonic Pi.app/app/server/sonicpi/lib/sonicpi/lang/sound.rb:117 [FINISH]
c:0003 p:---- s:0028 e:000027 CFUNC  :new
c:0002 p:0804 s:0019 E:000c98 EVAL   /Applications/Sonic Pi.app/Contents/MacOS/../../app/server/bin/sonic-pi-server.rb:123 [FINISH]
c:0001 p:0000 s:0002 E:001900 (none) [FINISH]

-- Ruby level backtrace information ----------------------------------------
/Applications/Sonic Pi.app/Contents/MacOS/../../app/server/bin/sonic-pi-server.rb:123:in `<main>'
/Applications/Sonic Pi.app/Contents/MacOS/../../app/server/bin/sonic-pi-server.rb:123:in `new'
/Applications/Sonic Pi.app/app/server/sonicpi/lib/sonicpi/lang/sound.rb:117:in `block (2 levels) in included'
/Applications/Sonic Pi.app/app/server/sonicpi/lib/sonicpi/lang/sound.rb:117:in `new'
/Applications/Sonic Pi.app/app/server/sonicpi/lib/sonicpi/studio.rb:45:in `initialize'
/Applications/Sonic Pi.app/app/server/sonicpi/lib/sonicpi/studio.rb:376:in `reset_server'
/Applications/Sonic Pi.app/app/server/sonicpi/lib/sonicpi/studio.rb:390:in `start_scope'
/Applications/Sonic Pi.app/app/server/sonicpi/lib/sonicpi/server.rb:258:in `trigger_synth'
/Applications/Sonic Pi.app/app/server/sonicpi/lib/sonicpi/server.rb:465:in `osc_bundle'
/Applications/Sonic Pi.app/app/server/sonicpi/lib/sonicpi/scsynthexternal.rb:58:in `send_at'
/Applications/Sonic Pi.app/app/server/sonicpi/lib/sonicpi/osc/udp_server.rb:44:in `send_ts'
/Applications/Sonic Pi.app/app/server/sonicpi/lib/sonicpi/osc/udp_server.rb:44:in `encode_single_bundle'
 -- Machine register context ------------------------------------------------
 rax: 0x41d71e4ca6258594 rbx: 0x00007fa5ea8a6460 rcx: 0x0000000000000002
 rdx: 0x0e6e6b2800000002 rdi: 0x0eb8f265312c2ca2 rsi: 0x0e6e6b2800000002
 rbp: 0x00007fff5615fcd0 rsp: 0x00007fff5615fcc0  r8: 0x0000000109b321e0
  r9: 0x00007fa5e8425fa0 r10: 0x0000000000000228 r11: 0x0000000000000020
 r12: 0x00007fa5e90a6108 r13: 0x0000000000000003 r14: 0x000000010a0e6d00
 r15: 0x00000000ffffffff rip: 0x000000010aa66b77 rfl: 0x0000000000010206 
-- C level backtrace information -------------------------------------------
0   ruby                                0x0000000109c26902 rb_vm_bugreport + 402
1   ruby                                0x0000000109ad859a rb_bug_context + 330
2   ruby                                0x0000000109ba56fc sigill + 156
3   libsystem_platform.dylib            0x00007fff9972952a _sigtramp + 26
4   fast_osc.bundle                     0x000000010aa66b77 ruby_time_to_osc_timetag + 167
5   ???                                 0x000000000000003c 0x0 + 60

Server Output


Sonic Pi server booting...
Detecting port numbers...
Send port: 4558
Listen port: 4557
Scsynth port: 4556
Scsynth send port: 4556
OSC cues port: 4559
Using protocol: udp
booting server...
Booting Sonic Pi
Boot - Booting on OS X
Boot - Checkout audio rates on OSX:
Boot - Input audio rate: 44100.0
Boot - Output audio rate: 44100.0
Boot - Sample rates match, we may continue to boot...
Boot - Starting the SuperCollider server...

Scsynth Output


# Starting SuperCollider 2019-03-01 22:24:37
Found 0 LADSPA plugins
Number of Devices: 3
   0 : "Built-in Microph"
   1 : "Built-in Input"
   2 : "Built-in Output"
"Built-in Microph" Input Device
   Streams: 1
      0  channels 2
"Built-in Output" Output Device
   Streams: 1
      0  channels 2
SC_AudioDriver: sample rate = 44100.000000, driver's block size = 512
SuperCollider 3 server ready.

Process Log


No pids store found here: /var/folders/8f/ggjgv_g91_d77k_f97g3stwr0000gq/T/sonic-pi-pids
Creating pids store: /var/folders/8f/ggjgv_g91_d77k_f97g3stwr0000gq/T/sonic-pi-pids
Started [705] [-] sonic-pi-server.rb -u 4557 4558 4556 4556 4559 [-] /var/folders/8f/ggjgv_g91_d77k_f97g3stwr0000gq/T/sonic-pi-pids/705
Started [707] [-] plugins [-] /var/folders/8f/ggjgv_g91_d77k_f97g3stwr0000gq/T/sonic-pi-pids/707

Hi, I experienced the same error today I think. Are you running an external soundcard? I normally run Sonic Pi with my external soundcard and when I unplugged it, it crashed. Maybe you can try the same thing?


Was this ever resolved? Sadly same exact error for

  • Sonic Pi version: 3.1.0
  • OS: OS X El Capitan (10.11)

and found

Found 0 LADSPA plugins

Illegal instruction: 4

@big-mike - I can’t speak for mac_n00b of course, but likely not.
In an ideal world, we’d be able to support even older versions of macOS than we currently do, but unfortunately we don’t have the resources to do so.
You are welcome to try earlier versions of Sonic Pi (see Releases · sonic-pi-net/sonic-pi · GitHub).