Build under ubuntu 19.04 DISCO

i think it’s not a good idea imho you should comment the exit line to let the user have a try. I do build script with less memory this afternoon but fails with the same rugged error.

Here’s a new version that forces rugged gem to be installed system wide, although I don’t understand why.

@nlb you can change the script as much as you want, but it looks like you didn’t compile it succesfully yet? :wink:

hi @mrvanes

well just to tell it works with less memory :wink: 2933 to be accurate.




i bet we can do less :slight_smile: see you soon

La di da di sonic pi party!
@nlb @mrvanes thanks!

there some problems: sound out does not work, and after exit sonic pi get back to “light mode”.
is there any linux distro that sonic-pi 3 works flawlessly?

I had the same problem SP not persisting the dark mode and now don’t even get it to start due to some interprocess_exception error in boost I attributed to 3.2 being in heavy development right now. That’s why I stick to 3.1.0 for the moment (while using the synthdevs from 3.2, because they are broken ;))
@samaaron would you like us to report these problems on git or wait till it gets into more stable waters?

Ok, 3.2.0-dev start succeed when run as root, so there is some user access problem.
Correction, root also sometimes fails, so it seems a race condition.

Just tried the latest version of this installed on the SP github distro. Worked fine on a pristine Ubuntu 19.04 vm running on my Mac. Only minor problem is that I had to set the execute bit with chmod +x before running. On the pristine machine I also had to sudo pat install git to download the distro, but otherwise it was all in the script. I suppose I could have got a zip version instead :slight_smile: I also added qjackctl to make it easy to setup jackd as I wanted it.
It’s very similar to the build process I am using on Raspbian Buster on my Pi4.
Thanks for posting it.

Yeah, the bug was recently fixed by @samaaron and you’re right the +x is probably not set. You could have also sourced it of course… Nice catch about git, that’s so trivial I never thought it might not be installed on a pristine machine :wink:

Thank you all for making my life easier. Can’t wait to see what’s changed in the last 6 months.

EDIT: I don’t know if I should post as a bug or just warn the other couple of Ubuntu users. Closing via the quit menu option in ubuntu 19.04 (Mate w/ Studio) causes a core dump. After the core dump, I have to restart before I can run SPI again. Make sure to close via the window “X” to avoid this behavior.

Hey SPI tweakers.

First of all, thank you for putting so much work into this amazing tool. This is my first post, so I definetely had to get that off my chest before coming at you with stupid questions.

I just did a fresh install of ubuntu 19.04 this afternoon and wanted to give setting up SPI up on linux another try. I have loaded the 3.1.0 version from git, renamed the folder to sonic-pi after unzipping and executed the latest version of the disco build script. I have also checked that libssl-dev is installed and enaugh memory is available. Anyways, I get stuck during the supercollider build (I believe). Specifically I get stuck at 69% at Linking CXX executable sclang. I have found the exact same error described here: . So I made sure that libqt5opengl5-dev and libqscintilla2-dev also installed, without success.

I have collected my output here:
To be honest, I am not understanding some of the further suggestions. I was hoping on a clean 19.04 ubuntu the disco build script would just kinda work “out of the box” as several people also reported :frowning: . Any help would be much appreciated.

Cheers, Justus

Exactly what it is about your setup that is causing this, I have no idea. (I don’t use Linux very often these days). I did some Googling for the errors in that console output, and saw this:
Although it may not be directly useful :man_shrugging:

welcome @jhuebotter

first i suggest you to forget ubuntu disco as this version will reach soon the end of life cycle (
For installation on linux, i suggest to search into this forum :slight_smile: . there are a lot of posts about this topic. Linux is not officially supported by sonic pi due to a lack of time (and money).
Good luck