# 230114 2225 Evening walk part 2
# Saved 230114 2225
# YT https://youtu.be/pt5SLMXcsuk
# https://in-thread.sonic-pi.net/t/yt-evening-walk-part-2-hydra-video-visuals/7460
# Created by linktr.ee/relaxnow
live_loop :time, delay: 0.01 do
sleep 1
use_bpm 80
with_fx :reverb, room: 0.7 do
with_fx :krush do |krush|
live_loop :bass, sync: :time do
a = 16
notes = knit(:f2,a, :fs2,a).look
notes = knit(:f2,a, :ds2,a, :fs2,a, :cs2,a).look
#notes = :f2
#notes = :ds2 # :f2, :f#2 :as2 :as1 :cs2 :ds2
#notes = :f2
/ bass voice 1 /
use_synth :saw
use_synth_defaults release: [0.2,0.3,0.6].choose, cutoff: [70,80,90,100].look
play notes if bools(1,1,0,0).look
/ bass voice 2 /
use_synth :sine
use_synth_defaults release: 0.6
play notes if bools(1,1,0,0).look
/ snare /
puts amp = range(0.4,1,step: 0.01).look
sample :sn_generic, finish: [0.04,0.06,0.08].choose, amp: amp if bools(0,0,1,0).look
/ fx control krush /
my_krush = 1 # restart manually code to take effect if you change here
b = 32#64
my_krush = knit(0,b, 1,b, 0,b, 2,b).look # auto switching different types of applying krush
case my_krush
when 0
puts m = 0
when 1
puts m = range(0,0.7,step: 0.025).mirror.look
when 2
puts m = rrand(0,0.7)
control krush, mix: m
sleep 0.5
/ offbeat short notes /
live_loop :offbeat, sync: :time do
use_synth :saw #:saw
use_synth_defaults release: [0.1,0.2,0.4].choose, cutoff: [70,80,90,100].look-20
notes = [:f4,:f4,:f4,:f4,:fs4, :f4,:f4,:f4,:f4,:c4, :f4,:f4,:f4,:f4,:fs4, :f4,:f4,:f4,:f4,:ds4,].look #nice
#notes = [:f4,:f4,:f4,:f4,:fs4, :f4,:f4,:f4,:f4,:c4, :f4,:f4,:f4,:f4,:fs4, :f4,:f4,:f4,:f4,:ds4,].look+[0,0,12].choose #nice
#notes = [:f4,:f4,:f4,:f4,:fs4, :f4,:f4,:f4,:f4,:c4, :f4,:f4,:f4,:f4,:fs4, :f4,:f4,:f4,:f4,:ds4,].look+[0,0,7,12].choose
# 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
offbeat = 2 # 1 & 2 nice
c = 16
d = 16
offbeatselector = 2 # if manual change then restart code to avoid out of sync
offbeatselector = knit(1,d, 2,d, 3,d, 4,d).look
case offbeatselector
when 0
puts offbeat = knit(0,c).look
when 1
puts offbeat = knit(1,c).look
when 2
puts offbeat = knit(2,c).look
when 3
puts offbeat = knit(1,c, 2,c*2).look
when 4
puts offbeat = knit(1,c, 2,c*4, 0,c*2).look
/ mute top here with offbeat = 0 /
# NB might go out of sync since different sleep value
#offbeat = 0 # mute top with offbeat = 0
##offbeat = 1 # slow offbeat top
##offbeat = 2 # fast offbeat top
case offbeat
when 0
sleep 0.25
when 1
play notes if bools(1,0,0).look
sleep 0.25
when 2
play notes if bools(1,0,0,0,1,0).look
sleep 0.125
end #end_krush
/ kick /
live_loop :kick, sync: :time do
sample :bd_fat, amp: 4
sleep 3.5
sample :bd_fat, amp: 2, rate: 4 if one_in(2)
sleep 0.5
end #end_reverb
# Hydra code
# https://hydra.ojack.xyz/?code=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
Hydra Code in Chrome
//s0.initScreen(1) // run this line 1 time to select video input from vlc