The idea is simple, a random number is generated, between 0 and 7, which corresponds to a position in several matrices (: c4,: major -: d4,: dorian -: e4,: phrygian) creating with a single number one melodic sequence 1 2 3 2, on the C major scale in this case ā¦
I apologize for my limited knowledge of English
live_loop :tempo do
use_synth :tb303
play :c2,cutoff: 80,release: 1.8,amp: 0.5
sleep 2
with_fx :reverb, mix: 0.5, amp: 0.75 do
live_loop :mel do
use_synth :dsaw
nota= rand_i(0..7)
dur= rrand(0.45,0.50)
play scale(:c4,:major)[nota],release: dur
sleep dur
play scale(:d4,:dorian)[nota],release: dur/2
sleep dur/2
play scale(:e4,:phrygian)[nota],release: dur/2
sleep dur/2
sleep 1-(dur*2)
use_synth :square
play scale(:d4,:dorian)[nota],release: dur
sleep 1
This sounds great Raul.
I think there is one slight error. The syntax for the line nota=rand_i(0...7)
is not quite right. It should either be nota=rand_i(8) #this give random integer in range 0..7
(note the last integer here is NOT part of the returned range of values)
or nota = rrand_i(0,7) #this gives random integer in range 0..7
You can see the syntax if you look up rand_i and rrand_i in the lang section of the Help file.
I like the idea of mixing up notes from different scales. very nice.
Thanks Robin, you can use the same system to harmonize, or repeat four-bar melodies as in this example
with_fx :reverb, mix: 0.5, amp: 0.75 do
live_loop :mel do
use_synth :dsaw
use_random_seed 2017
4.times do
nota= rand_i(8)
play scale(:a3,:aeolian)[nota],release: dur
sleep dur
play scale(:c4,:major)[nota],release: dur/2
play scale(:e4,:phrygian)[nota],release: dur/2
sleep dur
play scale(:c4,:major)[nota],release: dur/2
sleep dur/2
play scale(:d4,:dorian)[nota],release: dur
sleep dur
play scale(:b3,:locrian)[nota],release: dur/2
sleep dur/2