well, actually it seems to me that it is the opposite of a bug i. e. a bugfix. But I agree, it is a behaviour which is somehow counter-intuitive in the beginning.
I am a bit confused though… wasn’t it you who brought up (and ended) this fruitful discussion in the Patreons area? I had the impression that the issue is somehow resolved for you?
live_loop :d1,delay: 0.001 do #delay ensures loop :d2 starts before loop :d1
8.times do
sample :drum_cymbal_closed
sleep 0.5
live_loop :d2 do
sync :d1
2.times do
sample :drum_bass_hard
sleep 2
Yes it was me but i am always frustrated and confused by this as you say “counter-intuitive” way to work. And it’s not yet clear in my little head
But it’s clear that is not intuitive because so many users meet the problem no ?
I think @robin.newman does not answer to the same problematic. His solution is for the d2 to “start” at the same time of d1 and not to have to wait your 8 beats of d1 for d2 to start
live_loop :d3 do
4.times do
sample :drum_cymbal_closed
sleep 1
live_loop :d4 do
sync :d3
sample :drum_bass_hard
sleep 4 # the drummer is busy to count not time to catch the cue but next time he will play for sure
live_loop :d5 do
sync :d3
sample :drum_roll
sleep 3.99 # the drummer count until 3.99 and rise his head for 0.01 to see the cue
I think you’re right @robin.newman made a little mistake. It would be nice if he can confirm himself, please to avoid more confusion ?
live_loop :d1, delay: 0.01 do # delay ensures loop :d2 starts before loop :d1
8.times do
sample :drum_cymbal_closed
sleep 0.5
live_loop :d2, sync: :d1 do
2.times do
sample :drum_snare_soft
sleep 2