Hi again,
Let’s try this piece of code. We have to declare the live_loop who trigger a cue to the live_loops we want to be synced after them.
# The importance of the place into the code
use_bpm 60
use_synth :piano
live_loop :name_of_live_loop_every_8_beats, delay: 1 do
cue :_every_8_beats
sleep 8
# ok every 4 beats the live_loop is played and it's a real pleasure
live_loop :foo_01 do
sync :_every_4_beats
play_pattern_timed [:c, :d, :e, :f] , 1
# this loop will be played for 4 beats then stop 4 beats
live_loop :foo_02 do
sync :name_of_live_loop_every_4_beats
use_octave 2
play_pattern_timed [:c, :d, :e, :f] , 1
# this loop will be played every 8 beats then stop for 8 beats
live_loop :foo_03 do
sync :_every_8_beats
use_synth :prophet
use_octave 2
play_pattern_timed scale(:c, :major), 1
# the good place to be into the code AFTER the loop we want to be synced.
live_loop :name_of_live_loop_every_4_beats, delay: 1 do
cue :_every_4_beats
sleep 4