I’m enjoying use arpeggios and step sequences, but I’d like to spice them up a bit with some actual played phrases, complete with slight timing variations. That’s bread and butter in DAW but not really SPi’s thing. Although I’ve seen some amazing compositions using arrays and sleeps to be fair. I guess if it’s transcribing a written music that’s one thing.
Up to now, I’ve been playing the phrase, recording the audio then playing that as sample from SPi. I thought it would be nice to do it live.
Here’s my lofi script I’ve written for this. The first loop records the midi keystrokes by pushing the pitch and virtual time to an array. On each key press, it writes out the arrays to the log. Second loop is the metronome.
Then I simple copy the text for both arrays from the log and paste them in the second loop, uncomment the stop
to test them. Then in a composition I can copy that loop in as-is and make it play whatever synth or midi out is needed.
Here’s the recording loop
EDIT: for simplications and corrections for bpm. I found at
and time_warp
both helpfully take array arguments. Very helpful.
#Midi keyboard phrase recorder
use_bpm 100
live_loop :rec do
n,v=sync mhs_cue="/midi:mpk_mini_midi_1:*:*/"+"note_on"
if tick==0
notes.push n
times.push (rt(vt)-t0)
puts "x="+notes.to_s
puts "y="+times.to_s
play n, amp: 0.1
live_loop :beat do
sample :perc_snap, amp: 0.1
sleep 1
Heres’ the playback loop
live_loop :play, sync: :beat do
x=[72, 76, 79, 82, 84, 72, 75, 76, 67, 70, 72, 60]
y=[0.0, 0.926166666666667, 1.4659683333333335, 1.9814483333333337, 2.485541666666667, 3.464901666666666, 3.9442516666666663, 4.444533333333334, 5.396926666666667, 5.876469999999999, 6.420806666666667, 6.9414533333333335]
time_warp y, x do |n|
play n, sustain: 0.2, amp: 0.1
sleep 8