Question about "note_slide"

Hi there! I have a remark and a question in the same time about this “slide arpeggio”: try with note_slide: 0.2 and you’ll hear correctly all the notes of the arpeggio…But try with note-slide: 1 and personnaly, I don’t hear any more the note 72 (the :C) :thinking: Have you got the same impression? Someone has an explanation…? Sam @samaaron if you read this post… :grin:
Thanks for your attention! :raised_hand_with_fingers_splayed:

s = play 60, release: 5, note_slide: 0.2  ##note_slide: 1
sleep 0.5
control s, note: 65
sleep 0.5
control s, note: 67
sleep 0.5
control s, note: 72
sleep 0.5
control s, note: 67
sleep 0.5
control s, note: 65
sleep 0.5
control s, note: 60

By systematizing, I get this kind of code, for example… Siren or wave?

use_bpm 240

with_fx :reverb, mix: 0.5 do
  live_loop :slide do
    s = play 60, release: 5, note_slide: 1, amp_slide: 1, pan: rrand(-0.9, 0.9), pan_slide: 1
    sleep 0.5
    control s, note: 65, amp: 0.9
    sleep 0.5
    control s, note: 67, amp: 1.3
    sleep 0.5
    control s, note: 84, amp: 1.6
    sleep 0.5
    control s, note: 67, amp: 2
    sleep 0.5
    control s, note: 65, amp: 1.8
    sleep 0.5
    control s, note: 60, amp: 0.9
    sleep 0.5
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Hi @beryann
A total guess would be that the slide time would then exceed the accumulating sleep time total - maybe the previous slides are still executing.

But you knew that anyway; can’t find a quick solution atm :frowning:


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I tried extending the time, and I can hear each note, but the higher notes sound flat to me. Am I crazy?

s = play 60, release: 10, note_slide: 0.2  ##note_slide: 1
sleep 1
control s, note: 65
sleep 1
control s, note: 67
sleep 1
control s, note: 72
sleep 1
control s, note: 67
sleep 1
control s, note: 65
sleep 1
control s, note: 60

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Hello Harry @HarryLeBlanc It sounds correctly in my SPi…Did you try with

note_slide: 1 ?

It sounds correctly now, we hear very well the note 72, it’s the “release” which has to be readjusted in fact…

If your slide time is longer than the interval between control changes, it will start sliding to the next value before reaching the previous, so if you’re going up you are sliding past it.
Actual pitches should be independent of this.

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Yeah, I’m not sure what I was hearing, but I played with it a bit and it sounds fine.
Actually, it’s cool that you can play with the pitch after the note has been played. I didn’t know you could do that.