Play, start & stop recording with sonic pi programmatically (e.g. from python script)

As sonic Pi sounds can be recorded to WAV files, is this still possible in the latest version of Sonic PI doing this programmatically using OSC?

I am currently on v4.5.1.

Based on older comments (however <=2018) I was trying out with OSC command from python, I see the logs in the sonic pi cues window, but nothing gets recorded, nor audio can be heared nor a WAV file is saved.

from pythonosc.udp_client import SimpleUDPClient
import uuid
import time

# Define the IP and port for Sonic Pi
ip = ""
port = 4560

# Create the client to send OSC messages
client = SimpleUDPClient(ip, port)

# The song code you want to send to Sonic Pi
song_code = '''
use_bpm 120

live_loop :melody do
  play :c4
  sleep 0.5
  play :e4
  sleep 0.5
  play :g4
  sleep 1

# Generate a unique identifier (UUID) for this code run
code_uuid = str(uuid.uuid4())

# Filepath for the recording
output_filename = "Users/USER/test/testfile.wav"

# Start recording
client.send_message('/start-recording', [output_filename])

# Give some time for Sonic Pi to start recording

# Send the song code to Sonic Pi with a unique ID
client.send_message('/run-code-with-uuid', [code_uuid, song_code])

# Duration of the recording (make sure it covers the duration of your code)
recording_duration = 10  # seconds

# Stop recording
client.send_message('/stop-recording', [])

# Give some time for Sonic Pi to finalize the recording

print(f"Recording saved as {output_filename}")