Play_pattern_timed ignores release of synth


this is my code:

live_loop :bass do
  use_synth :dsaw
  #use_synth_defaults release: 0.01
  #play :e1
  #sleep 0.25
  #play :e1
  #sleep 0.25
  #play :e1
  #sleep 0.25
  #play :e2
  #sleep 0.25
  #play :e1
  #sleep 0.25
  #play :e1
  #sleep 0.25
  #play :e2
  #sleep 0.25
  #play :e1
  #sleep 0.25
  play_pattern_timed [:e1, :e1, :e1, :e2, :e1, :e1, :e2, :e1], 0.25, release: 0.01

These two code snippets sound different but why? The release time at the end is ignored but if i comment out the other lines and don’t use play_pattern_timed it sounds correct. The release is very short.


i found the solution :slight_smile:
Sustain is added and release is not ignored. Found the solution here: Play_pattern_timed adding sustain...? - #3 by Martin

Thanks for sharing the solution.