Okay, I’m in crazy land here.
I’m trying to work on a method to explore graceful modulations, but I’m running into a weird problem.
The startingdirection param, for some reason, is initializing to 2. (My code wants it to be 1 or -1.)
Any idea why this is happening?
debugmode = true
##| debugprint is a utility function to optionally print out debugging messages,
##| controlled by the debugmode variable. If not set, defaults to false and prints nothing.
##| label: a text string to explain what the value means.
##| value: the value being displayed for debugging purposes. If nil, just displays the label.
#small utility function to return clean string of any value, even nil
define :scrub do |value, mapniltothis = ""|
(value == nil ? mapniltothis : value.to_s)
define :debugprint do |label, value=nil|
if !local_variables.include? "debugmode".to_sym
debugmode = false
end #if debugmode defined
if debugmode
puts scrub(label) + scrub(value)
end #if debug
end #define
whole = 4.0
half =2.0
quarter =1.0
eighth =0.5
sixteenth =0.25
dotted =1.5
triplet =2.0 / 3
define :rosettastone do |keyvalue="d4", scalename=:dorian, startingdirection=1, stepsize=1, mode="thirds", howmanyloops=7|
debugprint "top of rosettastone"
debugprint "keyvalue: ", keyvalue
debugprint "scalename: ", scalename
debugprint "startingdirection: ", startingdirection
debugprint "stepsize: ", stepsize
debugprint "mode: ", mode
debugprint "how many loops: ", howmanyloops
debugprint "params should be untouched"
debugprint ""
debugprint ""
debugprint ""
noteshifter = {
:locrian => [0,4],
:phrygian => [4,1],
:aeolian => [1,5],
:minor => [1,5],
:dorian => [5,2],
:mixolydian => [2,6],
:ionan => [5,3],
:major => [5,3], #for convenience
:lydian => [3,7]
debugprint noteshifter
thisscale = scale keyvalue, scalename
debugprint "thisscale: " , thisscale
loopsplayed = 1
currentdirection = startingdirection
debugprint "currentdirection: ", currentdirection
scaledegreelookup = (currentdirection + 1) / 2
debugprint "scaledegreelookup: ", scaledegreelookup
#so 1 doubles to 2, divides by 2 remains 1
#while -1 goes up to 0
#and we get the 2nd array element for up or first for down
notetochange = noteshifter[scalename][scaledegreelookup]
debugprint "notetochange: ", notetochange
while loopsplayed != 0 do
debugprint "loop ", loopsplayed
case mode.downcase[0..2]
when "sev"
debugprint "sevenths mode"
[0, 2, 4, 6].each do |note|
play thisscale[note]
end #each
sleep quarter
[1, 3, 5, 7].each do |note|
play thisscale[note]
end #each
sleep quarter
when "sca"
debugprint "scale mode"
thisscale.each do |note|
play note
sleep eighth
end #each note
when "tet"
debugprint "tetrachord mode"
[0,1,2,3].each do |note|
play thisscale[note]
end #each
sleep quarter
[0,1,2,3].each do |note|
play thisscale[note]
sleep eighth
end #each
[4,5,6,7].each do |note|
play thisscale[note]
end #each
sleep quarter
[4,5,6,7].each do |note|
play thisscale[note]
sleep eighth
end #each
when "fif"
debugprint "fifths mode"
(0..7).each do |fifths|
debugprint "fifths: " , fifths
play thisscale[0 + (5 * fifths) % 7]
sleep eighth
end #do
when "thi"
debugprint "thirds mode"
(0..7).each do |third|
play thisscale[third]
play thisscale [(third + 2) % 7]
sleep eighth
end #each 0-7
puts mode + " is not a supported mode."
puts "Supported modes: sevenths, scales, tetrachords, fifths"
end #case
debugprint "changing notes"
(1..stepsize).each do |step|
debugprint "note to change", notetochange
debugprint "step,", step
thisarray = thisscale.to_a
debugprint "thisaray: ", thisarray
thisarray[notetochange] += currentdirection
if notetochange == 0
thisarray[7] += currentdirection
end #if
debugprint "thisarray: ", thisarray
thisscale = thisarray.ring
debugprint "thisscale,", thisscale
puts "notetochange before:", notetochange
puts "currentdirection: ", currentdirection
notetochange = (notetochange + (4 * currentdirection)) #% 7
debugprint "notetochange: ", notetochange
end #each step
sleep quarter #after each phrase
debugprint "test if direction change needed"
loopsplayed += (startingdirection * currentdirection)
if loopsplayed > howmanyloops
debugprint "direction change needed"
currentdirection *= -1 #change direction
debugprint "new direction", currentdirection
scaledegreelookup = (currentdirection + 1) / 2
# #so 1 doubles to 2, divides by 2 remains 1
# #while -1 goes up to 0
# #and we get the 2nd array element for 1, or first for 0
debugprint "notetochange: ", notetochange
debugprint "currentdirection: ", currentdirection
notetochange = (notetochange + (currentdirection * 4)) % 7
debugprint "notetochange: ", notetochange
debugprint "no direction change needed"
end #if hit max loops
end #while
end #define
rosettastone "d", :dorian, 2