Utilising my listOnsets function, this piece plays Sonic Pi :loop samples processed at the fractional onset level giving some interesting effects.
#Onset Percussion by Robin Newman, May 2018
#utilises use of onset values whilst playing loop samples
#two streams are played together, one handling the first section of each onset, and the other
#handling gthe second section of each onset.The streams hav a slight delay between them
#so that they match up at the correct times. Each segment has its pan and ampitude settings varied.
#giving and interesting end effect.
#Each loop is pl;ayed four times, on the fourth pass, the order of the onsets are shuffled.
#This is just one example of what can be done using the function listOnsets
use_debug false
use_cue_logging false
define :listOnsets do |s|
set :onsetsMaps,[] #initialise a blank list
l = lambda {|c| set :onsetsMaps,c.to_a; c[0]} #set the info obtained in :listonsets
sample s, onset: l,amp: 0,finish: 0 #trigger the lambda function played sample at 0 volume and finish=0
return get(:onsetsMaps)
load_samples "loop_"
sleep 2
with_fx :reverb,room: 0.8 do
live_loop :funky do
onsets=[] #set list empty to ensure pass of while loop
while onsets.length<2 #process onsets, until number of onsets >1
sm=(sample_names :loop).tick #get next sample name
onsets=(listOnsets sm)
sleep 0.01
stop if look==20
puts sm,look #current sample
p=range(0,onsets.length) #range to choose offsets
pp=4.0/onsets.length #pp used for panning increments
4.times do |z|
p=p.shuffle if z==3 #scramble last time
puts p #current range
pos=1 #start pan value
fraction=rrand(0.1,0.9) #fractional split for two onset streams
onsets.length.times do |i| #cycle through onset values playing them
pos+=pp #increment pan position
pp=-pp if pos>1-pp.abs #check when limits reached and reverse
pp=-pp if pos< pp.abs
#puts fraction,pos #print fraction and pos values for debug checks
st=onsets[p[i]][:start];fi=onsets[p[i]][:finish] #start and stop for current onset
#stream1 plays first section of each onset
sample sm,rate: 1,pan: pos,start: st,finish: st+(fi-st)*(1-fraction),amp: (ring 1,2,3,2).tick(:vol)
#stream 2 is delayed then plays second section of each onset in a concurrent thread
in_thread do
sleep (fi-st)*(1-fraction)*(sample_duration sm)
sample sm,rate: 1,pan: -pos,start: st+(fi-st)*(1-fraction),finish: fi,amp: (ring 3,2,1,2).look(:vol)
sleep sample_duration sm,start: st,finish: fi #sleep for duration of current onset
pos+=pp #sounded nicer with second increment of pos here