I’ve just got hold of version 3.2.2 on Windows 10 and I’ve been working through the tutorial for the last few hours. I was just trying out the example in section 11.1 and I’ve just hit this issue, too. Midi events - I’m specifically looking for note-ons - are appearing in the Cues window, but the live loop doesn’t trigger. Everything else has worked wonderfully up till now. (I’ve been specifically interested in the threading/live loop examples.) Like the original poster, I tried moving back to version 3.1 and yes, this does work. I noticed in 3.1 that midi in events are named with forward slashes in 3.1 - “/midi/modal_002_48/25/1/note_on”, but in 3.2 there are colons - “/midi:modal_002_48:25:1/note_on”. Is this likely to be significant?
Also, I noticed with 3.2.2 that after stopping and restarting Sonic Pi all midi inputs are likely to have disappeared from the Midi Ports list in Preferences/IO. (Output devices are always present.) Restarting the PC will reset this. With 3.1 I’ve seen this happen once, but most times input devices show up each time I restart Sonic Pi.
I’m a longtime programmer/hacker, though not with this particular environment, but happy to dig in and help debug if given a few clues as to what to do next.