Microtonal Tuning: Vincentino's "Madonna il poco dolce" (1555)

I became interested in microtonal tunings after watching a video on a Renaissance “enharmonic organ.”

A bit more looking and I found this piece, Madonna il poco dolce, by Nicola Vincentino, performed on a reconstruction of the enharmonic harpsichord he designed, the archicembalo.

I was curious to see if I could emulate this instrument in Sonic Pi, since I knew it could play fractional midi notes. Using the the tuning in cents found in the diagram on the Wikipedia page (checking them against a couple of other sources), I input offsets for each of the notes in one octave and created a function to move the notes to the octaves I wanted. I wasn’t quite sure how to store these in way that I could easily refer to them by name except by putting each offset in a variable. The song itself was transcribed from the original score, and checked against the above Youtube video. Each part is a nested list. I’m not sure if that’s the best way to store that either.


The only other thing I’m not sure of is what tuning pitch was used at this period in Italy, so C4 is just at modern pitch.

# "Madonna il poco dolce"
# composed by Nicola Vicentino
# from "L'antica musica ridotta alla moderna prattica" (1555) pages 68-69
# https://imslp.org/wiki/L%27antica_musica_ridotta_alla_moderna_prattica_(Vicentino%2C_Nicola)

# code by Thomas Quanci
# 31 August, 2019

# tuning for the enharmonic harpsichord, "archicembalo," designed by Vicentino
# https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Archicembalo

# this performance and sheet music used to check against original score
# https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bhGwjgZ8zIY
# the score was preferred when the two differed

# Lyrics (from this vocal performance, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GoEpUcAHL08):

# Madonna, il poco dolce e il molto amaro
# Il breve riso, il troppo lungo pianto
# M’hanno ridotto a tanto
# Che’l pianger sempr’ e sospirar mi è caro

# My lady, the small sweetness and great bitterness,
# The brief smile, the too-long grief
# Have reduced me so much
# That to weep always and sigh are dear to me.

# defining the tuning

c  = 0.00 # offset from C in cents/100 = semitones = midi note
cd = 0.41
cs = 0.76

db = 1.17 # flat
dbd = 1.58 # diesis up flat (dot above note on score)
d = 1.93 # natural
dc = 1.98 # comma up natural (comma above note on score... not in this piece)
dd = 2.34 # diesis up natural (dot above note on score)
ds = 2.69 # sharp

eb = 3.10
ebd = 3.51
e = 3.86
ec = 3.92
ed = 4.27
es = 4.62

f = 5.03
fd = 5.44
fs = 5.79

gb = 6.20
gbd = 6.61
g = 6.96
gc = 7.02
gd = 7.37
gs = 7.72

ab = 8.13
abd = 8.54
a = 8.89
ac = 8.95
ad = 9.30
as = 9.65

bb = 10.06
bbd = 10.47
b = 10.82
bc = 10.88
bd = 11.23
bs = 11.58

r = -1 # rest

# durations for easy input

q = 0.25 # quarter (semiminim)
h = 0.5 # half (minim)

# for puttting notes in the desired octave

define :oct do |pitch, oct|
  return (12*(oct+1) + pitch)

# define the parts

#          [note, duration, octave]
soprano = [[g, 2, 4], #bar 1s (for reference, not in score)
           [gb, 1, 4],
           [fd, 1, 4],
           [g, h, 4], #2s
           [a, h, 4],
           [g, 1, 4],
           [a, 1, 4],
           [ad, 1.5, 4],
           [ad, h, 4], #3s
           [bb, 1, 4],
           [bb, 1, 4],
           [r, h],
           [c, h, 5],
           [bd, 1.5, 4], #4s
           [bd, h, 4],
           [b, h, 4],
           [b, h, 4],
           [bd, 1, 4],
           [c, h, 5], #5s
           [c, 1, 5],
           [bb, h, 4],
           [g, 1, 4],
           [a, 2, 4],
           [r, h], #6
           [g, h, 4],
           [f, q, 4],
           [d, q, 4],
           [a, 1, 4],
           [g, h, 4],
           [f, q, 4], #7s
           [f, q, 4],
           [e, 1, 4],
           [e, h, 4],
           [f, 1, 4],
           [fs, 1, 4],
           [g, 1, 4], #8s
           [gs, 1, 4],
           [a, 2, 4],
           [bb, 1, 4], #9s
           [b, 1, 4],
           [b, 1, 4],
           [b, 1, 4],
           [r, 1.5], #10s
           [f, h, 4],
           [fs, h, 4],
           [f, h, 4],
           [ed, 1.5, 4],
           [fd, h, 4], #11s
           [d, 1.5, 4],
           [ds, h, 4],
           [ed, h, 4],
           [ed, h, 4],
           [ed, 1, 4], #12s
           [f, 1, 4],
           [fs, 1, 4],
           [g, 2, 4],
           [r, h], #13s
           [g, h, 4],
           [e, h, 4],
           [e, h, 4],
           [f, h, 4],
           [fs, h, 4],
           [gb, 1, 4], #14s
           [gd, 1, 4],
           [r, h],
           [ad, h, 4],
           [bbd, h, 4],
           [gd, h, 4],
           [gbd, h, 4], #15s
           [gb, h, 4],
           [g, h, 4],
           [gs, h, 4],
           [a, 1, 4],
           [r, h],
           [d, 1, 4],
           [eb, h, 4], #16s
           [e, h, 4],
           [c, 0.75, 5],
           [bb, q, 4],
           [a, 1, 4],
           [c, h, 5],
           [a, 1, 4], #17s
           [bb, h, 4],
           [bb, 0.75, 4],
           [a, q, 4],
           [g, 1, 4],
           [fs, h, 4],
           [g, 2, 4], #18s
           [a, 1, 4],
           [r, 3],
           [a, 1, 4], #19s
           [bb, 1, 4],
           [b, 1, 4], #20s
           [b, 0.75, 4],
           [c, q, 5],
           [d, h, 5],
           [d, h, 5],
           [ad, h, 4],
           [bbd, h, 4],
           [bb, 1.5, 4], #21s
           [a, h, 4],
           [a, 2, 4],
           [fs, 2, 4], #22s
           [gb, 2, 4]] #23s

alto = [[d, 1, 4], #1a
        [d, 1, 4],
        [dd, 1, 4],
        [cd, h, 4],
        [cd, h, 4],
        [e, h, 4], #2a
        [f, h, 4],
        [d, 0.75, 4],
        [e, q, 4],
        [f, h, 4],
        [f, h, 4],
        [gb, 1, 4],
        [gb, 1, 4], #3a
        [r, 1],
        [g, 2, 4],
        [gd, 1.5, 4], #4a
        [gd, h, 4],
        [gs, h, 4],
        [gs, h, 4],
        [gd, 1, 4],
        [g, h, 4], #5a
        [f, 0.75, 4],
        [eb, q, 4],
        [d, h, 4],
        [eb, 1, 4],
        [d, 1, 4],
        [d, 1, 4], #6a
        [r, h],
        [d, h, 4],
        [d, q, 4],
        [f, q, 4],
        [f, 1, 4],
        [e, h, 4],
        [c, q, 4], #7a
        [d, q, 4],
        [g, h, 3],
        [g, h, 3],
        [r, h],
        [a, 1, 3],
        [d, 1, 4],
        [b, 1, 3], #8a
        [e, 0.75, 4],
        [d, q, 4],
        [c, h, 4],
        [c, h, 4],
        [a, 1, 3],
        [d, 1, 4], #9a
        [r, 1],
        [gs, 1, 4],
        [g, 1, 4],
        [fs, 1, 4], #10a
        [f, 0.75, 4],
        [e, q, 4],
        [d, 1, 4],
        [db, 1, 4],
        [cd, 1, 4], #11a
        [f, 1, 3],
        [r, 1],
        [cd, 1, 4],
        [db, 1, 4], #12a
        [d, 1, 4],
        [a, h, 3],
        [bb, 1, 3],
        [c, h, 4],
        [b, 1, 3], #13a
        [bb, 1, 3],
        [a, 1, 3],
        [d, 1, 4],
        [ad, 1, 3], #14a
        [d, h, 4],
        [gd, 1, 3],
        [gb, h, 3],
        [gd, h, 3],
        [bbd, h, 3],
        [ad, 1, 3], #15a
        [c, h, 4],
        [b, h, 3],
        [c, h, 4],
        [cs, h, 4],
        [d, h, 4],
        [d, h, 4],
        [b, h, 3], #16a
        [b, h, 3],
        [g, 1, 3],
        [a, h, 3],
        [c, 1, 4],
        [c, h, 4],
        [r, h], #17a
        [d, h, 4],
        [d, 1.5, 4],
        [d, h, 4],
        [d, h, 4],
        [d, h, 4],
        [b, 1, 3], #18a
        [c, 1, 4],
        [r, h],
        [d, h, 4],
        [ad, h, 3],
        [bbd, h, 3],
        [bb, h, 3], #19a
        [c, h, 4],
        [c, h, 4],
        [b, h, 3],
        [a, 1, 3],
        [r, h],
        [g, h, 4],
        [g, 1.5, 4], #20a
        [d, h, 4],
        [fs, 1, 4],
        [gb, 1, 4],
        [g, h, 4], #21a
        [g, h, 4],
        [fs, h, 4],
        [f, 1, 4],
        [d, 1, 4],
        [cs, h, 4],
        [d, 2, 4]] #22a

tenor = [[b, 1, 3], #1t
         [bb, 1, 3],
         [ad, 2, 3],
         [c, 1, 4], #2t
         [bb, 1, 3],
         [c, 1, 4],
         [dd, 1, 4],
         [dd, 1, 4], #3t
         [r, h],
         [d, h, 4],
         [eb, 1.5, 4],
         [eb, h, 4],
         [dd, 1, 4], #4t
         [dd, 1, 4],
         [e, 1, 4],
         [dd, 1, 4],
         [r, h], #5t
         [a, h, 3],
         [a, h, 3],
         [bb, h, 3],
         [bb, 1, 3],
         [a, 1, 3],
         [r, h], #6t
         [f, h, 3],
         [g, q, 3],
         [a, q, 3],
         [bb, h, 3],
         [a, 1, 3],
         [r, h],
         [c, h, 4],
         [a, q, 3], #7t
         [a, q, 3],
         [c, 1, 4],
         [c, h, 4],
         [r, 1],
         [a, 1, 3],
         [g, h, 3], #8t
         [g, h, 3],
         [b, h, 3],
         [b, h, 3],
         [a, 1, 3],
         [cs, 1, 4],
         [r, 1], #9t
         [d, 1, 4],
         [e, 2, 4],
         [a, 1, 3], #10t
         [a, 1.5, 3],
         [a, h, 3],
         [ad, 1, 3],
         [ad, 1, 3], #11t
         [r, h],
         [bb, h, 3],
         [fs, h, 3],
         [g, h, 3],
         [gd, 1, 3],
         [ad, 1, 3], #12t
         [a, 1, 3],
         [d, 1, 4],
         [g, 1, 3],
         [r, h], #13t
         [e, h, 4],
         [d, h, 4],
         [d, h, 4],
         [cs, h, 4],
         [c, h, 4],
         [a, 1, 3],
         [dd, h, 4], #14t
         [dd, h, 4],
         [bd, h, 3],
         [bbd, h, 3],
         [ad, h, 3],
         [dd, h, 3],
         [dd, 1, 3],
         [dd, 1, 3], #15t
         [e, 1, 3],
         [e, h, 3],
         [f, h, 3],
         [f, h, 3],
         [g, h, 3],
         [fs, h, 3], #16t
         [fs, h, 3],
         [c, h, 4],
         [e, h, 3],
         [e, h, 3],
         [e, h, 3],
         [a, 0.75, 3],
         [bb, q, 3],
         [c, h, 4], #17t
         [f, h, 3],
         [f, h, 3],
         [f, h, 3],
         [g, h, 3],
         [bb, h, 3],
         [a, 1, 3],
         [g, 1, 3], #18t
         [r, 1],
         [fs, 1, 3],
         [gb, h, 3],
         [fd, h, 3],
         [g, 2, 3], #19t
         [c, h, 4],
         [d, 1, 4],
         [d, h, 4],
         [e, h, 4],#20t
         [e, h, 4],
         [e, h, 4],
         [b, h, 3],
         [r, h],
         [a, h, 3],
         [dd, h, 4],
         [dd, h, 4],
         [bb, 0.75, 3], #21t
         [c, q, 4],
         [d, h, 4],
         [a, 0.75, 3],
         [g, q, 3],
         [f, h, 3],
         [e, 1, 3],
         [d, 4, 3]] #22t

bass = [[g, 1, 3], #1b
        [g, 1, 3],
        [dd, 1, 3],
        [fd, 1, 3],
        [c, h, 3], #2b
        [f, h, 3],
        [g, h, 3],
        [g, h, 3],
        [f, h, 3],
        [f, h, 3],
        [dd, 2, 3],
        [g, 1, 3], #3b
        [r, 1],
        [c, 1, 3],
        [gd, 1.5, 3], #4b
        [gd, h, 3],
        [e, h, 3],
        [e, h, 3],
        [gd, 1, 3],
        [e, h, 3], #5b
        [f, 1, 3],
        [g, h, 3],
        [g, 1, 3],
        [f, 1, 3],
        [r, h], #6b
        [d, h, 3],
        [c, q, 3],
        [f, q, 3],
        [g, h, 3],
        [d, 1, 3],
        [r, h],
        [c, h, 3],
        [f, q, 3], #7b
        [d, q, 3],
        [c, 1, 3],
        [a, h, 2],
        [d, 2, 3],
        [e, 2, 3], #8b
        [f, 1, 3],
        [fs, 1, 3],
        [g, 2, 3], #9b
        [e, 2, 3],
        [d, 3, 3], #10b
        [r, 1],
        [ad, 1, 2], #11b
        [bb, 1, 2],
        [b, 1, 2],
        [cd, 1, 3],
        [ad, 1, 2], #12b
        [d, 2, 3],
        [eb, 1, 3],
        [e, 1, 3], #13b
        [g, 1, 3],
        [r, 1],
        [d, 1, 3],
        [dd, h, 3], #14b
        [dd, h, 3],
        [gd, h, 2],
        [gd, h, 2],
        [dd, 1, 3],
        [gd, 1, 2],
        [r, 2], #15b
        [a, 1, 2],
        [bb, 1, 2],
        [b, 1, 2], #16b
        [c, 1, 3],
        [a, 1, 2],
        [f, 1.5, 3],
        [d, h, 3], #17b
        [bb, 0.75, 2],
        [a, q, 2],
        [g, h, 2],
        [g, h, 2],
        [d, 1, 3],
        [g, 1, 2], #18b
        [r, 1],
        [d, 1, 3],
        [dd, 1, 3],
        [eb, 1, 3], #19b
        [e, 1, 3],
        [f, 1, 3],
        [g, 1, 3],
        [e, 1, 3], #20b
        [r, h],
        [g, h, 3],
        [d, 1, 3],
        [dd, 1, 3],
        [eb, 1, 3], #21b
        [d, 2, 3],
        [a, 1, 2],
        [a, 4, 3]] #22b

#play the piece

use_bpm 50

use_synth :fm
div = 1 # divisor
dep = 0.5 # depth

at = 0.00 # attack
am = 1  # amp

with_fx :reverb, mix: 0.7 do
  in_thread do
    soprano.each do |n| # play soprano part
      if n[0] != -1  # check for rests
        play oct(n[0], n[2]), release: n[1], pan: 0.67, attack: at, amp: am, divisor: div, depth: dep
        sleep n[1]
        sleep n[1]
  in_thread do
    alto.each do |n| # play alto part
      if n[0] != -1
        play oct(n[0], n[2]), release: n[1], pan: -0.33, attack: at, amp: am, divisor: div, depth: dep
        sleep n[1]
        sleep n[1]
  in_thread do
    tenor.each do |n| # play tenor part
      if n[0] != -1
        play oct(n[0], n[2]), release: n[1], pan: 0.67, attack: at, amp: am, divisor: div, depth: dep
        sleep n[1]
        sleep n[1]
  in_thread do
    bass.each do |n| # play bass part
      if n[0] != -1
        play oct(n[0], n[2]), release: n[1], pan: -0.33, attack: at, amp: am, divisor: div, depth: dep
        sleep n[1]
        sleep n[1]

This is really cool! A friend was just telling me the other day how gaelic music uses a lot of microtones and this is a great example if I start trying to transcribe some.

1 Like

Slightly neater code.

# "Madonna il poco dolce"
# composed by Nicola Vicentino
# from "L'antica musica ridotta alla moderna prattica" (1555) pages 68-69
# https://imslp.org/wiki/L%27antica_musica_ridotta_alla_moderna_prattica_(Vicentino%2C_Nicola)

# code by Thomas Quanci
# 3 September, 2019

# tuning for the enharmonic harpsichord, "archicembalo," designed by Vicentino
# https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Archicembalo
# https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quarter-comma_meantone
# https://en.xen.wiki/w/Quarter-comma_meantone

# this performance and sheet music used to check against original score
# https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bhGwjgZ8zIY
# the score was preferred when the two differed

# Lyrics (from this vocal performance, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GoEpUcAHL08):

# Madonna, il poco dolce e il molto amaro
# Il breve riso, il troppo lungo pianto
# M’hanno ridotto a tanto
# Che’l pianger sempr’ e sospirar mi è caro

# My lady, the small sweetness and great bitterness,
# The brief smile, the too-long grief
# Have reduced me so much
# That to weep always and sigh are dear to me.

# The Archicembalo
# approximate tuning in cents

# --------------------------------------------------
# |    |dc  | |ec  |   |    |gc  | |ac  | |bc  |   |
# |    |198 | |392 |   |    |702 | |895 | |1088|   |
# |    |----| |----|   |    |----| |----| |----|   |
# |    |dbd | |ebd |   |    |gbd | |abd | |bbd |   |
# |    |158 | |351 |   |    |661 | |854 | |1047|   |
# |    |----| |----|   |    |----| |----| |----|   |
# |cd    |dd    |ed    |fd    |gd    |ad    |bd    |
# |41    |234   |427   |544   |737   |930   |1123  |
# |------|------|------|------|------|------|------|---
#    | |db  | |ds  | |es  | |gb  | |ab  | |as  | |bs  |
#    | |117 | |269 | |462 | |620 | |813 | |965 | |1158|
# ---| |----| |----| |----| |----| |----| |----| |----|
# |    |cs  | |eb  |   |    |fs  | |gs  | |bb  |   |
# |    |76  | |310 |   |    |579 | |772 | |1006|   |
# |    |----| |----|   |    |----| |----| |----|   |
# |c     |d     |e     |f     |g     |a     |b     |
# |0     |193   |386   |503   |696   |889   |1082  |
# |------|------|------|------|------|------|------|

# defining the tuning

# quarter-comma meantone system (in modern terminology)
# offset from C in cents/100 = semitones = midi note

tuning = [0]
for i in -18..12
  tuning[i+18] = (Math.log(5**0.25, 2)*12*i)%12 # a circle of slightly flat fifths
tuning = tuning.sort # get them in order

c  = 0 # index in tuning offset list
cd = 1
cs = 2

db = 3 # flat
dbd = 4 # diesis up flat (dot above note on score, not modern diesis)
d = 5 # natural
dd = 6 # diesis up natural (dot above note on score, not modern diesis)
ds = 7 # sharp

eb = 8
ebd = 9
e = 10
ed = 11
es = 12

f = 13
fd = 14
fs = 15

gb = 16
gbd = 17
g = 18
gd = 19
gs = 20

ab = 21
abd = 22
a = 23
ad = 24
as = 25

bb = 26
bbd = 27
b = 28
bd = 29
bs = 30

comma = Math.log(81.0/80.0, 2)*3
# there are five extra keys and Vincentino decided to pitch them up this much (not modern comma)

tuning[31] = tuning[5] + comma
dc = 31 # comma up natural (comma above note on score... not in this piece)
tuning[32] = tuning[10] + comma
ec = 32
tuning[33] = tuning[18] + comma
gc = 33
tuning[34] = tuning[23] + comma
ac = 34
tuning[35] = tuning[28] + comma
bc = 35

r = -1 # rest

# for adding the offset and puttting notes in the desired octave

define :tuner do |deg, oct, tune|
  return (12*(oct+1) + tune[deg])

# define the parts

# durations for easy input

q = 0.25 # quarter (semiminim)
h = 0.5 # half (minim)

#         [note, duration, octave]
parts = [[[g, 2, 4], #bar 1-soprano (for reference, not in score)
          [gb, 1, 4],
          [fd, 1, 4],
          [g, h, 4], #2s
          [a, h, 4],
          [g, 1, 4],
          [a, 1, 4],
          [ad, 1.5, 4],
          [ad, h, 4], #3s
          [bb, 1, 4],
          [bb, 1, 4],
          [r, h],
          [c, h, 5],
          [bd, 1.5, 4], #4s
          [bd, h, 4],
          [b, h, 4],
          [b, h, 4],
          [bd, 1, 4],
          [c, h, 5], #5s
          [c, 1, 5],
          [bb, h, 4],
          [g, 1, 4],
          [a, 2, 4],
          [r, h], #6
          [g, h, 4],
          [f, q, 4],
          [d, q, 4],
          [a, 1, 4],
          [g, h, 4],
          [f, q, 4], #7s
          [f, q, 4],
          [e, 1, 4],
          [e, h, 4],
          [f, 1, 4],
          [fs, 1, 4],
          [g, 1, 4], #8s
          [gs, 1, 4],
          [a, 2, 4],
          [bb, 1, 4], #9s
          [b, 1, 4],
          [b, 1, 4],
          [b, 1, 4],
          [r, 1.5], #10s
          [f, h, 4],
          [fs, h, 4],
          [f, h, 4],
          [ed, 1.5, 4],
          [fd, h, 4], #11s
          [d, 1.5, 4],
          [ds, h, 4],
          [ed, h, 4],
          [ed, h, 4],
          [ed, 1, 4], #12s
          [f, 1, 4],
          [fs, 1, 4],
          [g, 2, 4],
          [r, h], #13s
          [g, h, 4],
          [e, h, 4],
          [e, h, 4],
          [f, h, 4],
          [fs, h, 4],
          [gb, 1, 4], #14s
          [gd, 1, 4],
          [r, h],
          [ad, h, 4],
          [bbd, h, 4],
          [gd, h, 4],
          [gbd, h, 4], #15s
          [gb, h, 4],
          [g, h, 4],
          [gs, h, 4],
          [a, 1, 4],
          [r, h],
          [d, 1, 4],
          [eb, h, 4], #16s
          [e, h, 4],
          [c, 0.75, 5],
          [bb, q, 4],
          [a, 1, 4],
          [c, h, 5],
          [a, 1, 4], #17s
          [bb, h, 4],
          [bb, 0.75, 4],
          [a, q, 4],
          [g, 1, 4],
          [fs, h, 4],
          [g, 2, 4], #18s
          [a, 1, 4],
          [r, 3],
          [a, 1, 4], #19s
          [bb, 1, 4],
          [b, 1, 4], #20s
          [b, 0.75, 4],
          [c, q, 5],
          [d, h, 5],
          [d, h, 5],
          [ad, h, 4],
          [bbd, h, 4],
          [bb, 1.5, 4], #21s
          [a, h, 4],
          [a, 2, 4],
          [fs, 2, 4], #22s
          [gb, 2, 4]],
         [[d, 1, 4], #1-alto
          [d, 1, 4],
          [dd, 1, 4],
          [cd, h, 4],
          [cd, h, 4],
          [e, h, 4], #2a
          [f, h, 4],
          [d, 0.75, 4],
          [e, q, 4],
          [f, h, 4],
          [f, h, 4],
          [gb, 1, 4],
          [gb, 1, 4], #3a
          [r, 1],
          [g, 2, 4],
          [gd, 1.5, 4], #4a
          [gd, h, 4],
          [gs, h, 4],
          [gs, h, 4],
          [gd, 1, 4],
          [g, h, 4], #5a
          [f, 0.75, 4],
          [eb, q, 4],
          [d, h, 4],
          [eb, 1, 4],
          [d, 1, 4],
          [d, 1, 4], #6a
          [r, h],
          [d, h, 4],
          [d, q, 4],
          [f, q, 4],
          [f, 1, 4],
          [e, h, 4],
          [c, q, 4], #7a
          [d, q, 4],
          [g, h, 3],
          [g, h, 3],
          [r, h],
          [a, 1, 3],
          [d, 1, 4],
          [b, 1, 3], #8a
          [e, 0.75, 4],
          [d, q, 4],
          [c, h, 4],
          [c, h, 4],
          [a, 1, 3],
          [d, 1, 4], #9a
          [r, 1],
          [gs, 1, 4],
          [g, 1, 4],
          [fs, 1, 4], #10a
          [f, 0.75, 4],
          [e, q, 4],
          [d, 1, 4],
          [db, 1, 4],
          [cd, 1, 4], #11a
          [f, 1, 3],
          [r, 1],
          [cd, 1, 4],
          [db, 1, 4], #12a
          [d, 1, 4],
          [a, h, 3],
          [bb, 1, 3],
          [c, h, 4],
          [b, 1, 3], #13a
          [bb, 1, 3],
          [a, 1, 3],
          [d, 1, 4],
          [ad, 1, 3], #14a
          [d, h, 4],
          [gd, 1, 3],
          [gb, h, 3],
          [gd, h, 3],
          [bbd, h, 3],
          [ad, 1, 3], #15a
          [c, h, 4],
          [b, h, 3],
          [c, h, 4],
          [cs, h, 4],
          [d, h, 4],
          [d, h, 4],
          [b, h, 3], #16a
          [b, h, 3],
          [g, 1, 3],
          [a, h, 3],
          [c, 1, 4],
          [c, h, 4],
          [r, h], #17a
          [d, h, 4],
          [d, 1.5, 4],
          [d, h, 4],
          [d, h, 4],
          [d, h, 4],
          [b, 1, 3], #18a
          [c, 1, 4],
          [r, h],
          [d, h, 4],
          [ad, h, 3],
          [bbd, h, 3],
          [bb, h, 3], #19a
          [c, h, 4],
          [c, h, 4],
          [b, h, 3],
          [a, 1, 3],
          [r, h],
          [g, h, 4],
          [g, 1.5, 4], #20a
          [d, h, 4],
          [fs, 1, 4],
          [gb, 1, 4],
          [g, h, 4], #21a
          [g, h, 4],
          [fs, h, 4],
          [f, 1, 4],
          [d, 1, 4],
          [cs, h, 4],
          [d, 2, 4]], #22a
         [[b, 1, 3], #1-tenor
          [bb, 1, 3],
          [ad, 2, 3],
          [c, 1, 4], #2t
          [bb, 1, 3],
          [c, 1, 4],
          [dd, 1, 4],
          [dd, 1, 4], #3t
          [r, h],
          [d, h, 4],
          [eb, 1.5, 4],
          [eb, h, 4],
          [dd, 1, 4], #4t
          [dd, 1, 4],
          [e, 1, 4],
          [dd, 1, 4],
          [r, h], #5t
          [a, h, 3],
          [a, h, 3],
          [bb, h, 3],
          [bb, 1, 3],
          [a, 1, 3],
          [r, h], #6t
          [f, h, 3],
          [g, q, 3],
          [a, q, 3],
          [bb, h, 3],
          [a, 1, 3],
          [r, h],
          [c, h, 4],
          [a, q, 3], #7t
          [a, q, 3],
          [c, 1, 4],
          [c, h, 4],
          [r, 1],
          [a, 1, 3],
          [g, h, 3], #8t
          [g, h, 3],
          [b, h, 3],
          [b, h, 3],
          [a, 1, 3],
          [cs, 1, 4],
          [r, 1], #9t
          [d, 1, 4],
          [e, 2, 4],
          [a, 1, 3], #10t
          [a, 1.5, 3],
          [a, h, 3],
          [ad, 1, 3],
          [ad, 1, 3], #11t
          [r, h],
          [bb, h, 3],
          [fs, h, 3],
          [g, h, 3],
          [gd, 1, 3],
          [ad, 1, 3], #12t
          [a, 1, 3],
          [d, 1, 4],
          [g, 1, 3],
          [r, h], #13t
          [e, h, 4],
          [d, h, 4],
          [d, h, 4],
          [cs, h, 4],
          [c, h, 4],
          [a, 1, 3],
          [dd, h, 4], #14t
          [dd, h, 4],
          [bd, h, 3],
          [bbd, h, 3],
          [ad, h, 3],
          [dd, h, 3],
          [dd, 1, 3],
          [dd, 1, 3], #15t
          [e, 1, 3],
          [e, h, 3],
          [f, h, 3],
          [f, h, 3],
          [g, h, 3],
          [fs, h, 3], #16t
          [fs, h, 3],
          [c, h, 4],
          [e, h, 3],
          [e, h, 3],
          [e, h, 3],
          [a, 0.75, 3],
          [bb, q, 3],
          [c, h, 4], #17t
          [f, h, 3],
          [f, h, 3],
          [f, h, 3],
          [g, h, 3],
          [bb, h, 3],
          [a, 1, 3],
          [g, 1, 3], #18t
          [r, 1],
          [fs, 1, 3],
          [gb, h, 3],
          [fd, h, 3],
          [g, 2, 3], #19t
          [c, h, 4],
          [d, 1, 4],
          [d, h, 4],
          [e, h, 4],#20t
          [e, h, 4],
          [e, h, 4],
          [b, h, 3],
          [r, h],
          [a, h, 3],
          [dd, h, 4],
          [dd, h, 4],
          [bb, 0.75, 3], #21t
          [c, q, 4],
          [d, h, 4],
          [a, 0.75, 3],
          [g, q, 3],
          [f, h, 3],
          [e, 1, 3],
          [d, 4, 3]], #22t
         [[g, 1, 3], #1-bass
          [g, 1, 3],
          [dd, 1, 3],
          [fd, 1, 3],
          [c, h, 3], #2b
          [f, h, 3],
          [g, h, 3],
          [g, h, 3],
          [f, h, 3],
          [f, h, 3],
          [dd, 2, 3],
          [g, 1, 3], #3b
          [r, 1],
          [c, 1, 3],
          [gd, 1.5, 3], #4b
          [gd, h, 3],
          [e, h, 3],
          [e, h, 3],
          [gd, 1, 3],
          [e, h, 3], #5b
          [f, 1, 3],
          [g, h, 3],
          [g, 1, 3],
          [f, 1, 3],
          [r, h], #6b
          [d, h, 3],
          [c, q, 3],
          [f, q, 3],
          [g, h, 3],
          [d, 1, 3],
          [r, h],
          [c, h, 3],
          [f, q, 3], #7b
          [d, q, 3],
          [c, 1, 3],
          [a, h, 2],
          [d, 2, 3],
          [e, 2, 3], #8b
          [f, 1, 3],
          [fs, 1, 3],
          [g, 2, 3], #9b
          [e, 2, 3],
          [d, 3, 3], #10b
          [r, 1],
          [ad, 1, 2], #11b
          [bb, 1, 2],
          [b, 1, 2],
          [cd, 1, 3],
          [ad, 1, 2], #12b
          [d, 2, 3],
          [eb, 1, 3],
          [e, 1, 3], #13b
          [g, 1, 3],
          [r, 1],
          [d, 1, 3],
          [dd, h, 3], #14b
          [dd, h, 3],
          [gd, h, 2],
          [gd, h, 2],
          [dd, 1, 3],
          [gd, 1, 2],
          [r, 2], #15b
          [a, 1, 2],
          [bb, 1, 2],
          [b, 1, 2], #16b
          [c, 1, 3],
          [a, 1, 2],
          [f, 1.5, 3],
          [d, h, 3], #17b
          [bb, 0.75, 2],
          [a, q, 2],
          [g, h, 2],
          [g, h, 2],
          [d, 1, 3],
          [g, 1, 2], #18b
          [r, 1],
          [d, 1, 3],
          [dd, 1, 3],
          [eb, 1, 3], #19b
          [e, 1, 3],
          [f, 1, 3],
          [g, 1, 3],
          [e, 1, 3], #20b
          [r, h],
          [g, h, 3],
          [d, 1, 3],
          [dd, 1, 3],
          [eb, 1, 3], #21b
          [d, 2, 3],
          [a, 1, 2],
          [a, 4, 3]]] #22b

#play the piece

use_bpm 50

use_synth :fm
div = 1 # divisor
dep = 0.5 # depth

at = 0.00 # attack
am = 1  # amp
panning = [0.33, -0.33, 0.67, -0.67] # panning for each part
p = 0 # panning index

with_fx :reverb, mix: 0.7 do
  parts.each do |part|
    in_thread do # each part in a thread
      tpan = p # panning index for thread
      part.each do |n| # play part
        if n[0] != -1  # check for rests
          play tuner(n[0], n[2], tuning), release: n[1], pan: panning[tpan], attack: at, amp: am, divisor: div, depth: dep
          sleep n[1]
          sleep n[1]

I liked this very much. You’ve done a lot of work on this, and the end result is impressive.
Personally I prefer to play it with the at attack variable set to about 0.015, as I found the original a bit “clicky” especially on the lower notes.

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