Making things a bit more interesting - Drum Fill's

Hi everyone - new to Sonic Pi.

I was wondering what is the best way of going about drum fills? I am right now messing around with this short snippet of code that has a slow industrial feel but I want to increase the bpm and maintain the sound in the fill in

live_loop :amen_break do
  use_bpm 30
  sample :loop_amen, beat_stretch: 2
  sleep 2
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There are lots of ways of doing this - The below code is playing the straight loop three times, then I’m splitting the loop using slice and randomising the pattern in the ‘slices’ variable, then ticking through them 16 times.

use_random_seed 101

live_loop :amen_break do
  use_bpm 30
  3.times do
    sample :loop_amen, beat_stretch: 2
    sleep 2
  slices = (line 0, 15, steps: 16, inclusive: true).shuffle
  16.times do
    sample :loop_amen, beat_stretch: 2, slice: slices.tick
    sleep 0.125

Hi @binarysweets

Thanks so much for the advice. I will give this a try.

@binarysweets disregard my last post - everything makes sense. Thanks again for your help.

No problem :+1:

{some text here to fill up the character limit!}