Hey everybody! Just started messing around with Sonic PI, so much fun! I can already tell that this is a really good tool for breaking out of creative blocks. Here’s my first little thing I made, a sort of chill out house beat with a live mixer for muting different instruments. Any feedback on how to write it cleaner would be highly appreciated
use_bpm 118
live_loop :met1 do
sleep 1
define :pattern do |pattern|
return pattern.ring.tick == "x"
# LIVE MIXER (0 = mute, 1 = channel on)
kickon = 1
hihaton = 1
rimon = 1
chordon = 1
basson = 1
bellon = 1
live_loop :kick, sync: :met1 do
with_swing -0.08, 2 do
sample :bd_tek, rate: 0.8, sustain: 0, release: 0.3, amp: 0.8 if pattern "x---x---x---x---" and kickon == 1
sleep 0.25
live_loop :kick_soft, sync: :met1 do
with_swing -0.08, 2 do
sample :bd_tek, rate: 0.7, sustain: 0, release: 0.2, amp: 0.2 if pattern "---------------x---------x------" and kickon == 1
sleep 0.25
live_loop :hh, sync: :met1 do
with_swing -0.08, 2 do
sample :drum_cymbal_closed, sustain: 0, release: 0.15, amp: 0.8, rate: 1.1 if pattern "--x---x---x---x-" and hihaton == 1
sleep 0.25
live_loop :hh_short, sync: :met1 do
with_swing -0.08, 2 do
sample :drum_cymbal_pedal, sustain: 0, release: 0.05, pan: -0.4, amp: 0.3, start: 0.1 if pattern "--xx--x--xx--x-x" and hihaton == 1
sleep 0.25
with_fx :reverb, damp: 1, mix: 0.3 do
live_loop :rimshot, sync: :met1 do
with_swing -0.08, 2 do
sample :sn_generic, amp: 0.4, sustain: 0, release: 0.10 if pattern "----x-------x---" and rimon == 1
sleep 0.25
live_loop :rimshot2, sync: :met1 do
with_swing -0.08, 2 do
sample :elec_filt_snare, sustain: 0, release: 0.10, pan: 0.4, rate: 0.5, amp: 0.2 if pattern "----x--x----x-------x--x-x--x---" and rimon == 1
sleep 0.25
# SIDECHAIN (chords, bass, melody)
with_fx :slicer, phase: 1, wave: 0, invert_wave: 1, mix: 0.9 do
with_fx :level, amp: 0.15 do
live_loop :housechords1, sync: :met1 do
use_synth :mod_fm
with_fx :pitch_shift, pitch: -3.9, reps: 2 do
play chord(:a3, "m11"), pan: 1, decay: 4, sustain_level: 0, sustain: 0, release: 0.01, divisor: 1, mod_range: 0.2, mod_wave: 3 if chordon == 1
play chord(:a3, "m11"), pan: -1, decay: 4, sustain_level: 0, sustain: 0, release: 0.01, divisor: 1, mod_range: 0.3, mod_wave: 3 if chordon == 1
sleep 4
with_fx :pitch_shift, pitch: 7.1, reps: 4 do
play chord(:f3, "m11"), pan: 1, decay: 2, sustain_level: 0, sustain: 0, release: 0.01, divisor: 1, mod_range: 0.3, mod_wave: 3 if chordon == 1
play chord(:f3, "m11"), pan: -1, decay: 2, sustain_level: 0, sustain: 0, release: 0.01, divisor: 1, mod_range: 0.2, mod_wave: 3 if chordon == 1
sleep 2
with_fx :pitch_shift, pitch: -1.9, reps: 2 do
play chord(:f3, "m11"), pan: 1, decay: 4, sustain_level: 0, sustain: 0, release: 0.01, divisor: 1, mod_range: 0.2, mod_wave: 3 if chordon == 1
play chord(:f3, "m11"), pan: -1, decay: 4, sustain_level: 0, sustain: 0, release: 0.01, divisor: 1, mod_range: 0.3, mod_wave: 3 if chordon == 1
sleep 4
with_fx :pitch_shift, pitch: 5.1, reps: 4 do
play chord(:f3, "m11"), pan: 1, decay: 2, sustain_level: 0, sustain: 0, release: 0.01, divisor: 1, mod_range: 0.3, mod_wave: 3 if chordon == 1
play chord(:f3, "m11"), pan: -1, decay: 2, sustain_level: 0, sustain: 0, release: 0.01, divisor: 1, mod_range: 0.2, mod_wave: 3 if chordon == 1
sleep 2
with_fx :ping_pong, phase: 0.75 do
with_fx :level, amp: 0.2 do
live_loop :housechords, sync: :met1 do
use_synth :mod_fm
2.times do
play (chord_invert(chord :f3, "m11"), 2), pan: 1, decay: 4, sustain_level: 0, sustain: 0, release: 0.01, divisor: 1, mod_range: 0.2, mod_wave: 3 if chordon == 1
play chord(:f3, "m11"), pan: -1, decay: 4, sustain_level: 0, sustain: 0, release: 0.01, divisor: 1, mod_range: 0.3, mod_wave: 3 if chordon == 1
sleep 4
2.times do
play (chord_invert(chord :c3, "m11"), 4), pan: 1, decay: 4, sustain_level: 0, sustain: 0, release: 0.01, divisor: 1, mod_range: 0.3, mod_wave: 3 if chordon == 1
play (chord_invert(chord :c3, "m11"), 3), pan: -1, decay: 4, sustain_level: 0, sustain: 0, release: 0.01, divisor: 1, mod_range: 0.2, mod_wave: 3 if chordon == 1
sleep 4
2.times do
play chord(:Eb3, "m11"), pan: 1, decay: 4, sustain_level: 0, sustain: 0, release: 0.01, divisor: 1, mod_range: 0.2, mod_wave: 3 if chordon == 1
play chord(:Eb3, "m11"), pan: -1, decay: 4, sustain_level: 0, sustain: 0, release: 0.01, divisor: 1, mod_range: 0.3, mod_wave: 3 if chordon == 1
sleep 4
2.times do
play (chord_invert(chord :Bb2, "m11"), 2), pan: 1, decay: 4, sustain_level: 0, sustain: 0, release: 0.01, divisor: 1, mod_range: 0.3, mod_wave: 3 if chordon == 1
play (chord_invert(chord :Bb2, "m11"), 5), pan: -1, decay: 4, sustain_level: 0, sustain: 0, release: 0.01, divisor: 1, mod_range: 0.2, mod_wave: 3 if chordon == 1
sleep 4
with_fx :reverb, room: 1 do
with_fx :ping_pong, phase: 0.75 do
with_fx :lpf, cutoff: 130, pre_amp: 1.5 do
live_loop :lilmelo, sync: :met1 do
define :bellp do |n, m|
sleep 2
play n + 0.3 if bellon == 1
sleep 0.1
play n + 17 if bellon == 1
sleep 0.4
play n + 0.2 if bellon == 1
sleep 0.1
play n + 12 if bellon == 2
sleep 0.9
play m + 0.2 if bellon == 1
play m + 24 if bellon == 1
sleep 0.5
use_synth :kalimba
bellp 70, 67
bellp 65, 63
bellp 67, 65
bellp 70, 58
bellp 68, 65
bellp 63, 61
bellp 60, 65
bellp 72, 70
live_loop :Bassline, sync: :met1 do
define :basn do |n, r|
play n, release: r, cutoff: rrand(55, 125) if basson == 1
sleep r
use_synth :tri
basn 29, 0.75
basn 34, 0.75
basn 36, 1
basn 39, 1
basn 41, 0.5
basn 29, 0.75
basn 34, 0.75
basn 36, 1
basn 41, 0.5
basn 39, 0.5
basn 34, 0.5
basn 29+7, 0.75
basn 34-5, 0.75
basn 36-5, 1
basn 39-5, 1
basn 39, 0.5
basn 29+7, 0.75
basn 34+7, 0.75
basn 36+7, 1
basn 41-5, 0.5
basn 39-5, 0.5
basn 34-5, 0.5
basn 29-2, 0.75
basn 34-2, 0.75
basn 36-2, 1
basn 39-2, 1
basn 41-2, 0.5
basn 29-2, 0.75
basn 34-2, 0.75
basn 36-2, 1
basn 41-2, 0.5
basn 39-2, 0.5
basn 34-2, 0.5
basn 29+5, 0.75
basn 34-7, 0.75
basn 36-7, 1
basn 39-7, 1
basn 37, 0.5
basn 29+5, 0.75
basn 34+5, 0.75
basn 36+5, 1
basn 41-7, 0.5
basn 39-7, 0.5
basn 34-7, 0.5
with_fx :reverb do
live_loop :vinylNoise, sync: :met1 do
sample :vinyl_hiss, amp: 0.15
sleep sample_duration :vinyl_hiss