Live loops inside of FX, with control capabilities

Hi Mobius :slight_smile:

In fact, this is by design (as far as Sam originally way back when being unable to find a simple, quick and easy way to enable live updating fx that wrap around live_loops). However, we are interested in changing this some time in the future (it’s on our wishlist) if our priorities and resources fit :slight_smile:

See the following for a discussion around this behaviour:

As for how you can otherwise automate fx from outside, the usual solution involves moving the fx inside the live_loop, and then using variables to give the fx their values. One way to do this is to use set and get to transfer your desired fx values via the Time-State memory store. @robin.newman shows an example here:

(See the Tutorial or the Lang section of the Help panel in the app for more details of set and get if you need :slight_smile:)

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