I spent some time playing with chord inversions, and ended up with this little piece.
#JazzedupInversions by Robin Newman, August 2020
#started playing with chord inversions and ended up with this.
use_bpm 60 #initial tempo
with_fx :reverb, room: 0.8,mix: 0.7 do
with_fx :ixi_techno,mix: 0.4 do
live_loop :arps do
#code to speed up and slow down tempo again
bpmchange=((knit 2,20)+(knit -4,10)).tick(:speed)
use_bpm current_bpm + bpmchange
#choose transposition for next sequence 3rd,4th,5th, or down a 5th
use_transpose [0,4,5,7,-5].choose
#choose synth for next chord sequence
#set up base note sequence
l=l.reverse if dice(2)==1 #randomly reverse sequence
#puts l
#choose chord type major, minor or open 5th
#play 4 note sequence based on values in l
4.times do |p|
z =[0,1].choose
n=l[p] #choose base note
#play bass note with FM synth duration 1.6
synth :fm,note: n-12,release: 1.6,amp: 0.75
#alternate pan of chord notes -1,1
with_merged_synth_defaults pan: (-1)**tick(:p) do
#initialise total time of notes
#play four inversions from chord
4.times do |i|
k=i #k holds inversion value
k=4-i if p==3 #4th chord inversions played in reverse sequence (when p=3)
#play arpegion of chord inversions
#if z is 1 play all the inversions
#if z is 0 select which to play with spread function
puts "Base #{n} chord type #{ct} inversion #{k} z value #{z} bpm #{current_bpm}"
synth sn,note: chord_invert(chord(n,ct),k),amp: z
synth sn,note: chord_invert(chord(n,ct),k),amp: 1-z if spread(5,8).tick
#select note timing 0.2 or 0.4
st= [0.2,0.4].choose
total+=st #update total time
sleep st #sleep selected time
#puts total
#sleep time to make up total to 1.6
sleep 1.6-total
#puts current_bpm
stop if current_bpm <62 #stop when bpm falls below 62
You can listen to it here