I think the following example from the tutorial is incorrect: There is nothing that prevents the list ‘a’ to be shuffled prior it gets printed from the sorted live_loop. As a matter of fact, if you change the sleep time for shuffled to be more aggressive (e.g 0.1), you will observe this behavior.
## An Example of Deterministic Behaviour
## (despite concurrent access of shared state)
## using Sonic Pi's new Time State system.
## When this code is executed, the list that's
## printed is always sorted!
set :a, (ring 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1)
live_loop :shuffled do
set :a, get[:a].shuffle
sleep 0.5
live_loop :sorted do
set :a, get[:a].sort
sleep 0.5
puts "sorted: ", get[:a]