How to end the script

I have done it using the stop command inside the live loop. This can be triggered by a cue set by the control loop. See example here
The relevant line says

stop if (get :run)  == 0

Here an example from SPI’s tutorial with a control loop added to make it stop:

# Compus Beats

# Coded by Sam Aaron
# control loop added by Nechoj

use_sample_bpm :loop_compus, num_beats: 4

set :run, 1

live_loop :control do
  if tick == 12
    set :run, 0
  sleep 1

live_loop :loopr do
  stop if (get :run) == 0
  sample :loop_compus, rate: [0.5, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2].choose unless one_in(10)
  sleep 4

live_loop :bass do
  stop if (get :run) == 0
  sample :bass_voxy_c, amp: rrand(0.1, 0.2), rate: [0.5, 0.5, 1, 1,2,4].choose if one_in(4)
  use_synth :mod_pulse
  use_synth_defaults mod_invert_wave: 1
  play :C1, mod_range: 12, amp: rrand(0.5, 1), mod_phase: [0.25, 0.5, 1].choose, release: 1, cutoff: rrand(50, 90)
  play :C2, mod_range: [24, 36, 34].choose, amp: 0.35, mod_phase: 0.25, release: 2, cutoff: 60, pulse_width: rand
  sleep 1