So I have now successfully finished making a beat, but how do I now end the song? How do I make the instruments stop?
# Written by Sam Humphreys
# Setting BPM to 70
use_bpm 70
# Making variables:
# The clap is a single one-shot hit, that I repeat every two seconds on line 41
clap = "/Users/samhumphreys/Library/Mobile Documents/com~apple~CloudDocs/Logic Pro X/Music Plug-Ins/Cymatics/Cymatics - Drill Essential Drum Kit/Drum One Shots/Claps/Cymatics - Wake Clap.wav"
# The hi hats is a loop that I created on Logic Pro, and then bounced out as a .aif file.
# I made the loop on Logic because I thought it would be too hard to make a good
# sounding hi hat loop on Sonic Pi because of my experience with it (absolutely zero).
hi_hats = "/Users/samhumphreys/Library/Mobile Documents/com~apple~CloudDocs/2020/2021/TeKura/Music/SonicPi/bouncedLoops/Hi-hat-loop-for-Sonic-Pi.wav"
# The 808 is another loop I made on Logic, for the same reason as the hi hat loop. The 808s are
# way to complicated to make in Sonic Pi for someone with my knowledge of Ruby and Sonic Pi.
bass = "/Users/samhumphreys/Library/Mobile Documents/com~apple~CloudDocs/2020/2021/TeKura/Music/SonicPi/bouncedLoops/SonicPiBass.wav"
# This is the kick. I was going to make this loop in Logic again but I thought that if I did too much in Logic, my grade would be lowered.
kick = "/Users/samhumphreys/Library/Mobile Documents/com~apple~CloudDocs/Logic Pro X/Music Plug-Ins/Cymatics/Cymatics - Drill Essential Drum Kit/Drum One Shots/Kicks/Cymatics - Ultimate Kick - G.wav"
# This is the perc loop. Made on Logic again.
perc = "/Users/samhumphreys/Library/Mobile Documents/com~apple~CloudDocs/2020/2021/TeKura/Music/SonicPi/bouncedLoops/Percloop.aif"
# This is a white noise up effect.
wn_u_fx = "/Users/samhumphreys/Library/Mobile Documents/com~apple~CloudDocs/Logic Pro X/Music Plug-Ins/Cymatics/Cymatics - FX Essentials/White Noise/Up/Cymatics - FX Essentials White Noise Riser 18 - 140 BPM.wav"
# This is an impact effect.
impact = "/Users/samhumphreys/Library/Mobile Documents/com~apple~CloudDocs/Logic Pro X/Music Plug-Ins/Cymatics/Cymatics - FX Essentials/Impacts/Cymatics - FX Essentials Impact 2.wav"
# This is a white noise down effect.
wn_d_fx = "/Users/samhumphreys/Library/Mobile Documents/com~apple~CloudDocs/Logic Pro X/Music Plug-Ins/Cymatics/Cymatics - FX Essentials/White Noise/Down/Cymatics - FX Essentials White Noise Downlifter 6.wav"
live_loop :habanera do
use_synth :fm
use_transpose -12
play (ring :d, :r, :r, :a, :f5, :r, :a, :r).tick
sleep 0.25
with_fx :reverb do
live_loop :space_light do
with_fx :slicer, phase: 0.25 do
synth :blade, note: :d, release: 8, cutoff: 100, amp: 2
sleep 8
sleep 16
in_thread do
sleep 1
loop do
sample clap, amp: 2
sleep 2
in_thread do
loop do
sample bass, amp: 1
sleep 16
sleep 8
in_thread do
loop do
sample wn_u_fx
sleep 32
sleep 8
in_thread do
loop do
sample hi_hats
sleep 16
in_thread do
loop do
sample kick, amp: 2
sleep 0.25
sample kick
sleep 1.25
sample kick
sleep 1
sample kick
sleep 0.75
sample kick
sleep 0.75
sample kick
sleep 0.75
sample kick
sleep 0.75
sample kick
sleep 1
sample kick
sleep 1.5
in_thread do
loop do
sample perc
sleep 16
in_thread do
sample impact
in_thread do
sample wn_d_fx