How can I use more than 1 synt together with live loops?

First of all, I’m very new to Sonic Pi and just discovering it.
I have a problem;
When I try to use 2 different synts with 2 different live_loops, just 1 synt plays. Here is my example:

live_loop :d1 do
  use_synth :sine
  play :c4
  sleep 1

live_loop :d1 do
  use_synth :fm
  play :e4
  sleep 1

How can I use more than 1 synt together with live loops?

That doesn’t work out because both of your “live_loop” are named after the same arguement “d1”. Changing one of them into a different name may solve this issue. Give it a try.

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Your problem is that both your live loops have the same name. Make the names different and it will work. At the moment the second live loop replaces the first and you only have one.

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Oh! I don’t know how I didn’t see that… Thanks to both of you :pray: