Hey enjoy this, feedback welcome ^^

the song i used is called Eartheogen - Tweaking Tiki (Fossils Remix)
if u download that song u should get the same results right? =)

set_mixer_control! amp: 0, amp_slide: 2

live_loop :metro do
  sleep 2

seeed = 0

live_loop :seeeeds do
  seeed = seeed + 10
  seeed = seeed - 0.5
  sleep 0.25
  puts seeed
  set :randseeed, seeed

with_fx :band_eq do |a|
  with_fx :band_eq do |e|
    with_fx :ring_mod do |y|
      live_loop :confi do
        if tick(:firsttime) == 0 then
          set :e, e
          set :y,y
          set :a,a
        sleep 5
      live_loop :song_full, sync: :metro do
        use_bpm 60
        use_random_seed get(:randseeed)#(knit 110,2,6884,2,457,2).tick(:tick1) #get(:randseeed) #(knit 110,2,6884,2,457,2).tick(:tick1)
        sur = sample_duration "C:/Users/User/Desktop/wut", 0, slice: (ring 51,52,53,54,55,56,57,58,59).choose, num_slices: 120, beat_stretch: 450
        1.times do
          **strong text**
          sample "C:/Users/User/Desktop/wut",0, slice: (ring 51,52,53,54,55,56,57,58,59).choose, num_slices: 120, beat_stretch: 450, amp: 1
          sleep sur

live_loop :contro do
  control get(:e), freq: 35, res: 0.5, db: 30, mix: 0 , mix_slide: 2, freq_slide: 1.25, res_slide: 1       #,amp: 5, low_shelf: 1, low: 2 , low_q: 2, mid: -1, mid_q: 0.6, high: -1, high_q: 0.6, high_shelf: -1
  sleep 0.25
  #control get(:e), freq: 35, res: 0.5, db: 30        #,amp: 5, low_shelf: 1, low: 2 , low_q: 2, mid: -1, mid_q: 0.6, high: -1, high_q: 0.6, high_shelf: -1
  #sleep 6

live_loop :contro2 do
  control get(:a), freq: 90, res: 0.5, db: 30, mix: 0, mix_slide: 2, freq_slide: 1.25, res_slide: 1       #,amp: 5, low_shelf: 1, low: 2 , low_q: 2, mid: -1, mid_q: 0.6, high: -1, high_q: 0.6, high_shelf: -1
  sleep 0.25
live_loop :rings do
  control get(:y), freq: 5, mod_amp: 0.5, freq_slide: 1, mix: 0
  sleep 2
  #control get(:y), freq: 20, mod_amp: 0.75, freq_slide: 1, mix: 1
  #sleep 2


Sounds good! :clap:
Maybe it was just the level I had set for my headphones, but it seemed that the occasional volume boosts made the bass a little too loud. (Or maybe I’m just overly sensitive :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :man_shrugging: ) Would love to hear feedback from other folks too :slight_smile:

Code-wise, there are no doubt a few optimisations that could be made if it were useful, but it still works fine as is :slight_smile:

Hey thanks for ur kind Feedback,
well yeah i messed up with the eq, i just wanted to fiddle with it, my main focus was to get the melodie etc

No problem! it’s a great melody fiddle :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

1 Like

Sounds good, but I did get suddenly louder bass than you’d want around 1:05, 2:10, and 4:00+.

ye next time i make sure to post something finished :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: the sudden loudness comes from the eq´s.

Hi Holz, nice sound… but as your sample is in your desktop, we cannot listen to the track from code. did you share this sample somewhere ?