Generative ambient kalimba based

Here is a simple piece I made, cause I love generative music and for the first time, I did it /o/

a = 0.1 #amplitude globale
b = -0.3156 #ça c'est pour accorder en 432 hertz
c = 22.5 #metronome
highnotes = [:b5-b, :d6-b, :e6-b, :fs5-b]
melodicnotes = [:g4-b, :a4-b, :b4-b, :d5-b, :e5-b, :fs5-b, :g5-b, :a5-b]
chordnotes = [:g3-b, :b3-b, :d4-b, :e4-b]

use_bpm c

use_random_seed 30289

with_fx :lpf do
  live_loop :ambient1 do
    sample "/home/[My name]/Music/Samples/campfire.mp3", amp: 0.5
    sleep 40
  live_loop :ambient2 do
    sample :ambi_choir, rate: 0.10, amp: 0.05
    sleep 1

with_fx :gverb, damp: 0.5, release: 16, spread: 1, mix: 0.1 do
  with_fx :compressor do
    with_fx :echo, decay: 32, phase: 0.8, max_phase: 64, mix: 0.3 do
      with_fx :flanger, depth: 10, wave: 4, feedback: 0.3, delay: 2 do
        live_loop :kalihigh do
          use_synth :kalimba
          use_synth_defaults clickiness: 0.5, amp: a*3
          play choose(highnotes), pan: [-1, -0.85, 0.85, 1].choose
          sleep [0.125, 0.25, 0.5, 1, 2, 7, 8, 9].choose
        live_loop :kalimelodic do
          use_synth :kalimba
          use_synth_defaults clickiness: 0.5, amp: a*2
          play choose(melodicnotes), pan: [-1, -0.75, 0.75, 1].choose
          sleep [0.125, 0.25, 0.5, 1, 2, 3, 4].choose
        live_loop :kalichord do
          use_synth :kalimba
          use_synth_defaults clickiness: 0.5, amp: a
          play choose(chordnotes)
          sleep [1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 4, 4.5, 6].choose
        live_loop :kalibass do
          use_synth :kalimba
          use_synth_defaults clickiness: 0.5, amp: a*2
          play [:e2, :g2, :b2, :d3].choose
          sleep [3.5, 4, 4.5, 5, 5.5, 6].choose

Hope you’ll like it :3


Very beautiful. Thank you for sharing

I love it. So hypnotic and slow.
I like the trick of shifting everything from 440 to 432.
You can do math on every item in a buffer like so:

b = -0.3156
highnotes = [:b5, :d6, :e6, Fs5].collect {|n| n - b}

Runs the block of code in curly braces against each item. This is a trivial example, but it’s a powerful tool.

What does campfire.mp3 sound like?

To tune from A=440Hz to 432Hz,
set_cent_tuning! ( hz_to_midi(432) - note(:A4))*100

Thanks for the tips ^^ Can you give me more info of how your code works please ?

Here is a link for the campfire !

Better feeling.

Please try,

set_cent_tuning! 0
play 60,sustain:10
set_cent_tuning! ( hz_to_midi(441) - note(:A4))*100
play 60,sustain:10

A sound roar occurs once per second.

Sorry. The number of roars depends on the frequency.
In the case of A4, it is one roar per second.
For C4 the roar is a little slower.

hz_to_midi(440) - note(:A4)  = 0

I just saw your answer, I’ll try and give feedback :heart: