Ok. I must admit, I could not stop thinking about this… mainly because I just checked my last code snippet first it does not rearly do what I want it do and secondly and quite franky: it is a mess I was lucky that it did something meaningful at all.
So here is another attempt to correct myself:
use_bpm 120
use_synth :saw
# score => [note, attack, sustain, release, amp, slide_note, slide_at (0..1)]
define :play_synth do | score |
score.each do | n |
dur = (n[1] + n[2] + n[3]) # sustain + release
if n[0] != :r # if not a rest
if n[5] == nil # no rest but also no slide_note
play n[0], attack: n[1], sustain: n[2], release: n[3], amp: n[4]
sleep dur
else # slide note given
slide_len = dur * n[6].round(2) # time to slide
slide_at = dur - slide_len # time when to start sliding
s = synth :saw, note: n[0], attack: n[1], sustain: n[2], release: n[3], amp: n[4]
sleep slide_at # sleep until it's time for sliding
control s, note: n[5], note_slide: slide_len
sleep slide_len
else # just rest
sleep dur
the_score = (ring
[:c, 0.1, 2, 0.1, 1, :g, 0.5],
[:g, 0.1, 2, 0.1, 1, nil, nil],
[:r, 0.1, 2, 0.1],
[:bb, 0.1, 1, 0.1, 1, :a, 0.75],
[:a, 0.1, 0.5, 0.1, 1, :c, 0.125]
live_loop :test do
play_synth the_score
I admit, the data to be fed into the function is quite complex but - on the other hand - you thus have a few options to be musically expressive.