Falling in love with gverb

# 231029 2310 Falling in love with gverb
# saved 231029 2310
# https://in-thread.sonic-pi.net/t/falling-in-love-with-gverb/8303

with_fx :gverb, room: 1 do   #1 5 50 500
  use_synth :prophet
  play :c3-12, amp: 0.5, attack: 8, cutoff: 80
  play :c3+12, amp: 0.5, attack: 8, cutoff: 80
  live_loop :a1 do
    sample :bd_fat, amp: 4
    sleep 4
  live_loop :a2 do
    use_synth :noise
    play :c4, release: 0.001 if spread(3,4).shuffle.tick
    play :c4, release: 0.01, amp: 2 if spread(3,5).tick
    sleep 0.25
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