- Today I learned how to add a default parameter value to a define function
- Today I learned how to create an array of notes and call them using notes[index] starting from 0,1,2, …
- Today I learned to use “set_volume!” to fade out (type value + run code)
# 240825 2242 Exploring the Dune scale YT
# Saved 240825 2242
# Created by https://linktr.ee/relaxnow
# https://youtu.be/QOZgCD8gYSM
# https://in-thread.sonic-pi.net/t/exploring-the-dune-scale/9151
# Today I learned how to add a default parameter value to a define function
# Today I learned how to create an array of notes and call them using notes[index] starting from 0,1,2, ...
# Today I learned to use "set_volume! 2" to fade out
# The 'Dune' Scale
# notes = [:c, :d, :ds, :g, :a, :as, :cs, :d, :fs, :g] #Version2(best) https://youtu.be/YkQPOtI5kKk?feature=shared&t=484
set_volume! 2
#define :s do |a,b,r| # Original code
define :s do |a,b, *args| # with optinal parameter on r for rotate
# Both notations now work fx s(3,7) or s(3,7,0)
# Mister Bomb - Sonic Pi Tutorial - Adding Default and Optional Parameters to Functions
# https://youtu.be/RpiWumugXrY?feature=shared&t=430
r = 0
r = args[0] if args.length == 1 # only looking for 1 value in args[] array
###notes = [:c, :d, :ds, :g, :a, :as, :cs, :d, :fs, :g]
notes = [:c2, :d2, :ds2, :g2, :a2, :as2, :cs3, :d3, :fs3, :g3]
with_fx :reverb, room: 0.98 do
live_loop :a1 do
use_synth :sine
/bass notes/
## notes = [:c, :d, :ds, :g, :a, :as, :cs, :d, :fs, :g] #Version2(best) https://youtu.be/YkQPOtI5kKk?feature=shared&t=484
##play :ds2 if s(1,7,0).look
##play notes[2]-24 if s(1,7,0).look
# 2 is the second value in the notes array :ds
play notes[2+knit(0,128-16,-1,16+32).look] if s(1,7,0).look
/middle notes/
use_synth :square
use_synth_defaults cutoff: 90
# how to play when to play
play notes.choose+24, amp: 0.3+rdist(0.15) if s(1,14,3).look and (s(0,32+16)+s(16+32,32+16)).look
play notes.choose+24, amp: 0.3+rdist(0.15) if s(1,14,6).look and (s(0,32+16,0)+s(16+32,32+16,0)).look
/high notes/
density [1,1,1,1,2,].look do
density [1,1,2,1,1,].look do
use_synth :pluck
use_synth_defaults amp: 0.75+rdist(0.15)
# random rotate value from -3 to 3
play notes.choose+[0,12,24].choose+24, pan: rdist(1) if s(5,7,rrand_i(-3,3)).look
sleep 0.25
with_fx :distortion, mix: 0.8, distort: 0.7 do
with_fx :krush, mix: 0.8 do
#with_fx :ping_pong, mix: 0.8, feedback: 0.2 do # A bit to much
/ manual oneshot on run /
use_synth :noise
use_synth_defaults cutoff: 50
#play :c2
/ auto noise oneshot + sweep /
live_loop :a2 do
#noise = knit(2,16,1,32).look
noise = knit(0,64,1,64+16,2,16).look
case noise
when 0
sleep 0.125
when 1
/ delayed noise /
use_synth :noise
use_synth_defaults cutoff: [50,60,40].look, amp: 0.5
play :c2 if s(1,32*2,16).look
sleep 0.125
when 2
/ noise sweep /
use_synth :noise
#use_synth_defaults cutoff: line(50,100,steps: 16).look, release: 0.005125, amp: line(0.1,0.25,steps: 7*3).look
use_synth_defaults cutoff: line(50,70,steps: 16).look, release: [0.05,0.1].choose, amp: line(0.1,1,steps: 7*3).look
play :c2
sleep 0.125
when 3
sleep 0.125