Combing Synths Question

I think I might have missed something in the docs, but this line confuses me a bit:

“Have fun combining synths to make new sounds as well as using different synths for different sections of your music.”

How do you combine synths? As far as I know, whenever you can’t combine two synths at the same time?

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The following combines two synths at the same time:

use_synth :dsaw
play 60
use_synth :square
play 65 

Just like playing a guitar and a bass simultaneously in the same room combines both instruments at the same time :slight_smile:

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Innnteresting, but you can’t combine two synths for the same note, right?

Sure, why not?

use_synth :dsaw
play 60
use_synth :square
play 60

My brain just clicked. I got it now lol

Thank you for answering such a simple question!

No problem! Sorry things weren’t as obvious as perhaps they could have been :slight_smile:

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haha no, its okay. My brain wanted

use_synth :dsaw && use_synth :square
play 60

But that’s silly lol All good now!

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You could make a function to get part-way there:

define :dsaw_and_square do |note, opts={}|
  with_synth :dsaw
    play note, opts
  with_synth :square
    play note, opts

dsaw_and_square 60, release: 4
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Oooo, that could be handy. Welp, looks like I know what I’m doing tonight. Thanks again!

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