Hi there,
I need some help and explanation in the same time. In the documentation in SPi, I am searching how to use use_curve with this line of code:
use_synth :piano
loop do
play choose(chord(:E3, :minor)), release: 0.3, attack: 0.1, sustain: 1, decay: 0.5, release: 0.2, env_curve: (ring, 1,2,3,4,5,6,7).tick
sleep 1
So with the example given by Sam @samaaron, I added this env_curve with a ring but it’s not very significative when you hear it! But, my line of code isn’ t probably right…
Is it the synth which is not adapted ?(I tried with different one) Someone could explain and give an example (which works
Thanks for your attention!
:piano, :pluck and some other synths can behave strange with envelopes, try :tri or :saw
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I tried different synth and it works better in certain cases like this one (I tried with a ring but it bugs…):
a = 1 #try with 2,3,4,5,6,7
use_synth :chipbass
live_loop :test do
play 60, env_curve: a
sleep 1
About the env_curve:
I did these two blocks each one with a different env_curve and with a slide option on the panoramic. And its interesting here because with these two different curves, I think that it works better with the pan_slide…So, that curve option can be interesting depending on the effect you want to use! Not sure for the parameters for the eq 
Tell me if you see something not correct…
set_volume! 0.7
use_synth :growl
live_loop :test do
with_fx :eq, low_shelf: 0.8, high_shelf_note: 450 do
with_fx :reverb, room: 0.8 do
s = play 60, env_curve: 7, decay: 0.5, sustain: 0.5, release: 2,pan: -0.9, pan_slide: 1
sleep 1
control s, pan: 1
play 60
sleep 1
live_loop :test2 do
s = play 72, env_curve: 1, decay: 0.5, sustain: 0.5, release: 2,pan: -0.9, pan_slide: 1
sleep 1
control s, pan: 1
play 72
sleep 1