hello there!
in this harmonic progression found in a Mr Bomb tutorial, my 6th degree (A4) is higher than the C4 one, how is it possible to ask to SPi to get that 6th degree one octave lower (A3)? This to have a more balanced version of my progression…
Thanks for attention!
comment do
progression = (ring, :i, :vi, :ii, :v)
use_synth :piano
with_fx :reverb, mix: 0.7 do
live_loop :prog do
play chord_degree(progression.tick, :c4, :major, 3), release: 4
sleep 2
Hello brendan @brendanmac and thanks for your help! i know this possibility but in fact I am searching for something else.
Perhaps my english wasn’t clear enough
If you consider this progression progression = (ring, :i, :vi, :ii, :v)
the A is above the C, it is higher and I want it to sound an octave lower so that it is lower than the C4 (so an A3). Basically I would like this by inventing the syntax:
progression = (ring, :i(:c4), :vi(:a3), :ii(:d4), :v(:g4)
I hope my query is clearer to understand!
Thnaks dor help!
hello Emelyn @emlyn@brendanmac thanks for your ideas…good idea with the octaves array (I think that with_octave octaves.lookneeds a “do”)
I found also that other solution searching for “chord_degree” in the native documentation
#progression = (:i,:vi,:ii, :v)
live_loop :progression do
use_synth :piano
with_fx :reverb, mix: 0.7 do
play (chord_degree :i, :c4, :major, 1)
sleep 1
play (chord_degree :vi, :c3, :major, 1)
sleep 1
play (chord_degree :ii, :c4, :major, 1)
sleep 1
play (chord_degree :v, :c3, :major, 1)
sleep 1
With the “1” at the end you get just the root of the chord…So if you want the complete chord, you have to write “3” instead. So, if you want a bass line with it, you copy and paste and change “1” to “3” et voilà! (there is probably a better way to get a smaller block of code!)
Yes, you’re right, I missed out a do (I initially used use_octave to test it but decided to edit it to use with_octave and forgot the do). I’ve edited the post to add the missing do.