External synth has distorted lissajous art rendering

As far as other linux are concerned I have SP 3.2 running successfully on both Raspberry Pi and ubuntu 18.04.4 The build process is getting easier with new cmake scripts coming on board, although not fully documented or finalised yet.
I have a Raspberry Pi binary .deb file under development.


I do have Lubuntu 18.04 and SP 3.1 which is running. Do I have to update any of aubio, osmid, QScintilla, supercollider to work with SP 3.2? As far as I understood all I have to do to install SP 3.2 is to run

cd app/gui/qt
../../server/ruby/bin/i18n-tool.rb -t
cp -f ruby_help.tmpl ruby_help.h
../../server/ruby/bin/qt-doc.rb -o ruby_help.h
lrelease SonicPi.pro
qmake -o Makefile SonicPi.pro

However I can not find ruby_help.tmpl anywhere.

You will need to update both ruby and cmake on Ubuntu18.04.4
I used rvm and installed ruby 2.6.3-dev from that.
I also updated cmake with the latest avialble binary.
ruby_help.tmpl is now located in qt/utils folder.The whole layoiut has changed and previous install scripts will not work. Look at the ubuntu 18.04.4 threads on this site and I have posted some details there. I am on a train at present so cant update further just now.

Thank you for your instructions, probably I will update somewhen else when I have plenty of time, I guess just for now you can not update ‘quickly’ :wink:.

Not quite but I’m working on it.

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Do you know about any possibility to switch the channels shown in the Lissajous art rendering?

So also with version v3.2.2 it remains the question whether it is possible to further bypass the global mixer or to switch the channels displayed by the lissajous art view?

I today did some more experiments in v3.2.2, the problem is now, that in addition to the unsolved problems, the lissajous art renderer renders the image upside down.
Was there a recent change in the code of the lissajous art renderer leading to such behaviour?

Oooh, the issue of upside down rendering is likely to be because we have completely new scope code which has quite likely managed to get the y axis inverted. This should be a pretty simple fix.

I’m also still very interested in figuring out a good way of getting this working properly on all channels.

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Actually one problem, that is that the graph is sheared, can easily be reproduced by something like

var syn = SynthDef("circle",{arg out_bus=0, amp=1, note=60, sustain = 1;
	var freq = note.midicps;
	o = Out.ar(out_bus,  SinOsc.ar([freq, freq],[0,pi/2]) * Line.kr(amp,amp,sustain,doneAction: 2), 0.0);

in Supercollider IDE and

load_synthdefs "/opt/sonicpi/sc_plugins_sinan/synthdefs"
synth :circle

in Sonic Pi, I’ll just grab my oscilloscope and check there.
EDIT: There was some mistake in the sclang code.
EDIT2: And of course you can not see, when a circle is sheared, in a second I will makesomething different like a square or so.

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Better this:

var syn = SynthDef("squares",{arg out_bus=0, amp=1, note=60, sustain = 1;
	var freq = note.midicps;
	o = Out.ar(out_bus,  [LFTri.ar(freq), LFPulse.ar(freq,0.25)] * Line.kr(amp,amp,sustain,doneAction: 2), 0.0);

and basically the same:

load_synthdefs "/opt/sonicpi/sc_plugins_sinan/synthdefs"
synth :squares

EDIT: I did this:

set_mixer_control! hpf_bypass: 1, lpf_bypass: 1, limiter_bypass: 1, lead_dc_bypass: 1

load_synthdefs "/opt/sonicpi/sc_plugins_sinan/synthdefs"
synth :squares   #(2)

sleep 5

with_fx :sound_out_stereo, output: 3 do
  synth :squares      #(3)

The result looks like (1) when doing Synth(\squares) in sclang,
and first like (2) and then like (3) from the SonicPi code.
(I did not take a photo because this is tricky and too much here).

EDIT: Nr. 3 again was my fault, I did not disconnect channels 1 and 2 from the output and therefore the signal from 1/2 mixed up with 3/4 which made (3) look a bit rotated, when disconnecting 1/2 from the sound output this should be OK.
@samaaron wouldn’t it be possible to introduce a flag which disables the global mixer completely and a variable for the scope which channels to render? I wouldn’t mind having a look at the code and proposing something if you told me the files I had to look at.