Solved by now, ty all

The code that is causing that is where, every time it triggers the next slice of the sample, it explicitly sets this to have amp: 1 - we know then that each slice will start with that. So - if this is not what you need, what did you wish to happen instead?

i want to control the samp just like i did with the fx

like here

with_fx :slicer, phase_slide: 0.5, phase: 0.125, pulse_width: 0.123, pulse_width_slide: 0.125 do |slice|
 live_loop :löl do
    if tick(:firsttime) == 0 then
      set :slice, slice
    a = (ring  0.5,    0.5,    0.9,   0).tick  #sequencer
    b = (ring   0.6,    0.2,    1,   0.2).tick
    s = sample :loop_amen, start: a, finish: b, rate: 0.9, amp: 0, amp_slide: 0.3, pitch_slide: 1
  sleep sample_duration :loop_amen, start: a, finish: b, rate: 0.9

live_loop :control do
  sleep 1
  control get[:slice], phase: 0.125, pulse_width: 0.125
  sleep 1
  control get[:slice], phase: 0.125, pulse_width: 0.125
  sleep 1
  control get[:slice], phase: 0.123, pulse_width: 0.123
  sleep 1
  control get[:slice], phase: 0.123, pulse_width: 0.123

I just solved it yay, i am getting bette at this xD

live_loop :löl do

 a = (ring  0.5,    0.5,    0.9,   0).tick  #sequencer
  b = (ring   0.6,    0.2,    1,   0.2).tick
  s = sample :loop_amen, start: a, finish: b, rate: 0.9, amp: get(:a), amp_slide: 0.3, pitch_slide: 1
  set(:s, s)
  sleep sample_duration :loop_amen, start: a, finish: b, rate: 0.9

live_loop :sampiii do
  control get(:s), amp: set(:a, 1)
  sleep 1
  control get(:s), amp: set(:a, 0)
  sleep 1
  control get(:s), amp: set(:a, 0)
  sleep 1

next problem
 now the amp doesn®t slide xD
oh and i am serious about it, i would really pay some money if someone helps me to the end.

i opnened a new Topic for that