Programmatically Creating Live Loops On The Fly

Using @robin.newman recent example as inspiration, I’ve been interested having a set of utilities or “higher order components” (that’s a fancy programmer term) to create live loops with a more generalized or “templated” approach.

One goal of this approach is to separate out the music bits from the machinery. I like the readability of having all the musical ideas together without the live_loop boilerplate code around each one. I don’t love the convention of using method(:someMethod) to pass the block of code but that was the first incantation that worked for my goal. I was trying to find a way to also automatically call the block of code based on the name only but couldn’t crack it yet (treat the string as a method name and call it)
Standard Sonic Pi is a subset of Ruby and may change warnings apply :slight_smile:

use_synth :tri

define :lone do
  play scale(:c5,:minor_pentatonic).choose,release: 0.1
  sleep 0.1

define :ltwo do
  play scale(:g5,:minor_pentatonic).choose,release: 0.1
  sleep 0.1

define :lthree do
  play scale(:c6,:minor_pentatonic).tick,release: 0.1
  sleep 0.1

RUNSTATE_KEY = "ll_runstate_"

define :runLoop do |name, fn|
  loopsym = (RUNSTATE_KEY + name).to_sym
  set loopsym, true
  live_loop (LIVE_LOOP_NAME_KEY + name).to_sym do
    stop if ! get(loopsym)

define :stopLoop do |name|
  set (RUNSTATE_KEY + name).to_sym, false

live_loop :control do
  puts "start live_loop :lone"
  runLoop "lone", method(:lone)
  sleep 4
  puts "stop live_loop :lone"
  puts "start live_loop :ltwo"
  stopLoop "lone"
  runLoop "ltwo", method(:ltwo)
  sleep 4
  puts "stop live_loop :ltwo"
  puts "start live_loop :lthree"
  stopLoop "ltwo"
  runLoop "lthree", method(:lthree)
  sleep 4
  puts "ADD live_loop :lone"
  runLoop "lone", method(:lone)
  sleep 2
  puts "ADD live_loop :ltwo"
  runLoop "ltwo", method(:ltwo)
  sleep 4
  puts "stop live_loop :one"
  puts "stop live_loop :ltwo"
  puts "stop live_loop :lthree"
  stopLoop "lone"
  stopLoop "ltwo"
  stopLoop "lthree"
  sleep 2