Be aware if you are going to use this of a recent change made to to the 3.2dev source code.
commit #d245d93c5b797ad76fa333f829c32d67480af96c
This will affect future releases
Server - breaking change - improve port detection and initialisation
Most ports are now auto-allocated in a free port range (51234+). The next free port is chosen for each service to avoid conflict with existing services running on a given machine.
This is with exception of the following ports:
OSC cues port - this is now listening on port 4560
Erlang router - this is now listening on port 4561
Websockets - this is now listening on port 4562
Ports 4560, 4561 and 4562 are currently unregistered on the Iana Service Name and Transport Protocol Port Number Registry:
Additionally, in the top-level config site it’s possible to pair the following ports:
* gui-send-to-server (to server_listen_to_gui)
* server-send-to-gui (to gui_listen_to_server)
* scsynth-send (to scsynth)
This is achieved by specifying their port number as the symbol :paired. For all ports, it’s possible to specify a port value of :dynamic for which a port number will be automatically found and chosen.
It will be eventually possible to set these ports by editing a file in ~/.sonic-pi/