Getting/parsing the OSC input path

As the author of two parsing routines, one for osc cues and the other for midi cues I agree on the usefulness of such functions to aid decoding multiple osc calls of a similar format from controllers such as TouchOSC. It would be nice to incorporate them, but they are subject to revision, as illustrated by this latest reference indicated one such change when the format of midi cues changed.

There will be further changes soon, as the code Sonic Pi uses to deal with midi cues is fundamentally altering in 3.3beta and as a result the existing parsing functions will require to be tweaked. I have already been discussing one possible change in format I’ve noticed in the developing code with @samaaron.
It would be nice to have the routines you discuss built in, but they necessarily lag a bit behind the development of the cue system, and they are generally for the benefit of a minority of advanced users.
Having said that, although at present such routines make use of the internal get-event function which is not guaranteed to remain “as is”, I have successfully used such functions for several years with a whole range of quite sophisticated programs involving TouchOSC control with correcting tweaks from time to time.
At the end of the day i think it boils down to the limited human resources available for Sonic Pi development. Getting the new internals working for midi is a demanding job, and every additional requirement increases the load for development and testing, but I would hope to have similar functions available for use with 3.3