Hey @ds604, just stumbled across this, and really like it as a very short & simple yet still visually intuitive drum machine.
Here’s an even shorter version, inspired by yours:
use_bpm 120
def beats(pat)
pat.delete(' ').split('').map(&:to_i).ring
patt = {
:bd_klub => "9--5 --5- ---- -3-- 9--- ---- 9--- ----",
:drum_snare_soft => "---- ---3 9--- ---- ---- ---- --33 9---",
:perc_snap2 => "9--- --11 11-- ---- 5--- 5-11 11-- 9---",
:elec_flip => "--5- ---- --5- --5- --5- ---- --5- --5-",
# :bd_boom => "9-3--"
live_loop :main do
tick #(step: [0,1,1,1,1,1,2].choose) # change step of tick randomly for nice effect
patt.each{ |key, val| sample key, amp: beats(val).look / 10.0 }
sleep 0.25
Turning the beat numbers directly into amplitudes makes it easy to control accents for each beat. I also used a loop to play each sample, shortened the beat-parsing function, and folded the separate instruments hash into keys of the pattern hash.
Thanks for a drum machine short and clear enough to teach in a class session!
Update: okay, I think this is the shortest and clearest version I can come up with. Gets rid of the pattern hash entirely; everything is laid out in the loop body (this makes it easier to control the volume of each instrument individually, for example by adding “* 0.5
” at the end of one of the “amp:
” values:
def pat(p)
p.delete(' ').split('').map{ |v| v.to_f / 10 }.ring
live_loop :machine do
use_bpm 60
sample :bd_klub, amp: pat(" 9--5 --5- ---- -3-- ").look
sample :drum_snare_soft, amp: pat(" ---- ---3 9--- ---5 ").look
sample :perc_snap2, amp: pat(" 9--- --11 11-- ---- ").look
sample :elec_flip, amp: pat(" --5- ---- --5- --5- ").look
sleep 0.25