Puts with multiple arguments


Thanks for the answers. I didn’t find it in the help section. Maybe it can be added that there are at least 3 different ways to combine arguments on 1 puts line.

I’m working on controlling 10 tracks, with each a different editable sample and a different editable sequence, with only a Lpd8.

To be able to control both the patterns and the shape of the samples (attack, release, rate, amp, etc.) of each sample seperately, i’m working with some kind of menu through the log. So each time a knob is turned or a pad pressed, there is puts output. A puts once in a while probably isn’t a big cpu-load, but I guess 8 puts lines at once each time a knob or pad is used, causes quite a lot of latency.

For example pressing pad1 will “select” next sample, for which I can use knobs to adjust rate, attack, release, … Pressing pad1 again selects the next, etc.

This way the 8 knobs times 10 tracks means I can control 80 “things” with only 8 knobs.
Using a second pad means it can become 160 controllable properties.

Anyhow, controlling as many things as possible with the few buttons the Lpd8 has is a great programming challenge for me! I think it’s a good way to learn how to utilise limited physical inputs for maximal possibilities! And also a good way to learn how “decent” coding can be more efficient. Similar to putting effects outside loops, these kinds of things.

Will post code of this experiment later on :smirk: