More real randomization


I just have had some time on a train and went nuts with tick and randomness… I came up with that code:

live_loop :ambient do
  t =
  use_random_seed t
  puts "Time: #{t}"
  z = [58,60,63,66,68,70,72,74].choose
  n = ((chord :c, :m7) + [z]).sort
  v = (line 0.25, 1, steps: 100).reflect
  p = (line -0.85, 0.85, steps: 100).reflect
  with_fx :reverb, room: 0.75, mix: rrand(0,1) do
    s = synth :fm, note: n.tick(:n), attack: [0,0,0,0,2].choose, release: [0.5,0.5,0.5,2].choose, amp: v.tick, pan: p.look, depth: 0.1, divisor: 1
    control s, amp: v.tick, amp_slide: 0.25, pan: p.look, pan_slide: 0.25, depth: 2, depth_slide: 1.5
  sleep 0.25

Nothing really special, but what I like about it are two things: 1. seems to have a somehow purposeful harmonic sequence (for me despite the disharmonic bits in it) allthough it hasn’t actually. At least not from the constructional perspective. 2. There seem to be two independant voices at work but there is only one line (where the attack/release switches between long and short, which mainly gives that impression).