Error detection and correction in musical context

I was wondering, if it’s possible to turn specific computer algorithms such as Hamming Code into a musical experience similar to the instructions in Sonic Pi like “play”, “sleep” or even a “loop”.
Maybe this seems to work :slight_smile:

The Video shows two parts:

  1. the original msg 100100111010 (parity bits included) is changed into 100100110010 (random changing). So it didn’t affect the original msg wich was 0110 1001 (i’m always counting from right).
    The melody is representing the msg; the rhythm is representing even or odd in the caculation. If the beep in each of the 4 loops is on the melody / rythmn the parity is even, otherwise it’s odd.
    Changing the switch (up) means: I hear odd / i feel somethig is not in „time“ …
    Changing the last of the 16 switches the code in SP is changing the wrong bit. In this case bit 4 (from right) -> this is the 3rd parity bit. The beeps are now on the melody / rythmn.
  2. This time bit 7 is affected.
    The melody is changing, the transmitted msg is wrong.
    You here 3 wrong beeps and 1 correct beep -> 0111 -> this is 7
    Changing the last of the 16 switches again the code in SP is changing the wrong bit. The beeps are now on the melody / rythmn. And you here the corrected melody wich is the same as in part 1.