Hi @robin.newman,
yes! It does work. I am very greatful for this intelligent piece of code! As soon as possible I will try out some of my uses cases. This will most probably go into my startup library to be available as a standard extension.
To explain my earlier posting: Currently I have 3 SP versions, which I can start (3.1 and two 3.2x dev versions). There are some irregularities, which I am not surprised of that being developement versions. F. e. the midi fader control was not running stable (besides my stupid coding error). I also had some not expected issues with control
when I first started building a fader function. In effect the same code ran one day and failed a few months later.
But this can be due to a lot of reasons. I did not have the time to investigate in a systematic way… Actually it was kind of the same with your example. So I still don’t know if it is just me, the SP version I am using or some reason rooted in my system environement or current state. Anyhow… time will show.